VP Harris Struggles to Compete with China and Russia in Africa

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It’s becoming increasingly clear that the White House handlers might have bitten off more than they can chew with their diversity hire Kamala Harris. In what appears to be a desperate attempt to salvage our fleeting influence internationally, they have decided to send the worst VP on a competitive international tour across third world nations in the Africa continent – something that is sure to backfire.

Upon her arrival, news has already broken of her disastrous opening speech in front of the Ghanaian leaders. The worst part about all this is that we have an entire week of this international torturous embarrassment.

The NY Post reports, Kamala Harris kept up her streak of ponderous, head-scratching remarks Monday, taking part in the first stop of the US’s week-long trip to Africa, where Beijing and Moscow are seeking to expand their influence.

Upon arriving in Ghana, Harris had an exciting announcement.

Unfortunately that was just Harris warming up, she continued during the news conference with Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo, vomiting her infamous national world salad, stating “there are a number of things on the issue of the economy as a whole that we must do … and a lot of that work is the work that I am here to do on the continent.”

Instead of me reading it, let’s allow the VP to embarrass herself.

Biden’s No. 2 also credited the White House for its economic policies, claiming that the US is recovering from decades-high inflation thanks to “the measures that our administration has taken to bring down the costs.”

Harris omitted to mention that, even though annual inflation has slowed from June’s high of 9.1%, it remains stubborn at 6% – compared to 1.4% when Biden took office.

Critics have mocked Harris’ attempts to make grandiose statements, with one comparing her to a student writing a book report without actually having read the book.

Bizarre statements like this,

Back on the more pressing matters, the Ghanaian government has forged some infrastructure deals with Chinese companies, but President Akufo-Addo said the US was not threatened by the country’s ties with Beijing.

Along with Ghana, Harris will also visit Tanzania and Zambia, which Beijing has courted as part of its Belt and Road Initiative.

Such a trip tasked to Harris to reassure third world nations that America is still that country it was 3 years ago will only drive these African nations straight into the arms of China. That’s how much confidence we have in her with what we have just witnessed on the first day. China is probably laughing from home celebrating their victory already. 

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