SCANDAL: Matt Taibbi’s House Visited by IRS Agents

Wednesday, Secretary Yellen was questioned by the House Appropriations Subcommittee about the recent IRS visit to journalist Matt Taibbi's home. It's a scandal that has supporters of conservative ideals up in arms as this incident is seen as an example of government corruption and political persecution.
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Wednesday, Secretary Yellen was questioned by the House Appropriations Subcommittee about the recent IRS visit to journalist Matt Taibbi’s home. It’s a scandal that has supporters of conservative ideals up in arms as this incident is seen as an example of government corruption and political persecution.

The timing of the visit seemed to be a response to Taibbi’s earlier testimony regarding Biden lies and Twitter lobby files, showing an unfair targeting of reporters.

Townhall reports, the Treasury Secretary was asked about a visit to veteran journalist Matt Taibbi’s home the day he was on Capitol Hill exposing the federal government’s weaponization during her testimony Wednesday before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs.

Yellen acknowledged the in-person visit was unusual, but she denied knowing about it beforehand.

At the White House, they have flatly refused to answer questions and punted to the IRS.

In the opinion of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, there is no criminality involved.

A letter from Jim Jordan states, “The circumstances surrounding the IRS’s unannounced and unprompted visit to Mr. Taibbi’s home, at the exact time that he was testifying to Congress about ‘the most serious’ government abuse he has witnessed in his career as a journalist, are incredible, The IRS’s visit is all the more concerning in light of Mr. Taibbi’s assertions that the IRS informed him the problems were not ‘monetary’ and he had never received any prior indication of any issues with his 2018 return. These facts demand a careful examination by the Committee to determine whether the visit was a thinly-veiled attempt to influence or intimidate a witness before Congress.”

It appears the federal government is willing to go to any lengths to target and attack the press. Secretary Yellen was hard-pressed to explain why IRS agents made a “unusual” visit to Matt Taibbi’s house the same day he was on Capitol Hill speaking out against what appears to be corruption and political persecution by the Biden administration. Whether it was intentional or not, such acts raise serious questions about the current state of affairs in Washington, especially with President Biden announcing earlier this week that Twitter had filed records from a “host of accounts.” Has our government become so poisoned with scandal that it’s okay for them to electronically spy on prominent reporters in an effort to stifle their criticism? Only time will tell who wins this battle between those in power and those seeking truth, but a majority of Americans are none too happy with this newest scandal.

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