DOOCY: Who Will Get Fired For Afghanistan Betrayal

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 Shocking new report reveals that the Biden administration is deflecting blame and refusing to hold anyone accountable for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, and Peter Doocy is not staying silent on the betrayal of the Biden admin.

The Biden administration recently released a report on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, but it seems that accountability and justice are not priorities for the current administration.

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy questioned White House national security spokesperson John Kirby on who would be “fired” over the Afghanistan debacle. Kirby, however, evaded the question, stating that the report’s purpose was to “study lessons learned” and not for accountability.

Unfortunately, the consequences of the administration’s poor decision-making were dire, with 13 U.S. service members killed in an attack during the chaotic evacuation. Despite the loss of American lives and the countless Afghans left behind under Taliban rule, the Biden administration seems more focused on spinning the narrative than taking responsibility for their failures.

Doocy’s question about accountability is not unfounded, considering that the administration’s report largely blames former President Donald Trump’s administration for the issues that arose during the withdrawal. This is a typical tactic used by liberals to shift the blame rather than confront their own failures. The report even admits that the intelligence was inaccurate, yet the Biden administration refuses to take responsibility for its decisions.

Kirby also tried to deflect attention from the children killed and Afghans who were left hanging on the last remaining U.S. planes, which departed Afghanistan as the Taliban seized control of Kabul. Doocy challenged the administration’s claim that they are “proud” of their handling of the withdrawal, highlighting the many flaws and failures that occurred during the chaotic evacuation.

The Biden administration’s defensiveness is even more concerning considering the high death toll of U.S. service members and the countless Afghans left behind, especially those who worked with the U.S. military who are now facing persecution and even death. It is unacceptable that the Biden administration is more concerned with optics than protecting American lives and safeguarding our national security interests.

The Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete disaster, with countless U.S. citizens and Afghan allies abandoned and left behind under Taliban rule. The president’s refusal to hold anyone accountable for the botched withdrawal and the loss of American lives is unacceptable. This is yet another example of the left-wing’s refusal to take responsibility for their actions and prioritize the safety of Americans above their own political agendas. It is essential that we demand accountability and justice for the victims of this tragedy and work to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

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