Indictment? No Problem for Trump in Latest Polls

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 Democrats had the chance to listen and pay heed to the warning signs, but sadly they chose not to. They ignored the fact that politically prosecuting Trump would be a costly endeavor. And now, they are paying the price. As their reckless move will haunt them and reverberate throughout political history.

Right on time: the indictment of President Trump is only making him more popular among his supporters and non-supporters. According to a new Rasmussen poll, Donald is now surging 7 points ahead of Biden. That’s a “stunning turnaround” from just weeks ago, showing that the spectacle of his indictment and supposed arrest is actually galvanizing his base.

According to the national telephone and online survey, 47 percent of likely voters would vote for Trump versus 40 percent for Biden.

Approximately 11 percent of voters would vote for a different candidate.

The Rasmussen poll shows that Trump’s numbers are boosted by support from independents and women. The President leads Biden among women by 47%-39% and beats him among independent voters by 44%-36%. That’s a significant shift from just a few weeks ago, when Trump trailed Biden by 42%-45%.

But it’s not just about personal popularity: the poll suggests that voters are increasingly turning to conservative values and policies.

According to Mark Mitchell, head of polling at Rasmussen, “Biden faces an uphill battle for reelection against either of the two leading Republican candidates.”

The Rasmussen report did a stunding breakdown.

And who are those candidates? Well, the poll reveals that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the only one with a fighting chance against Trump, but even he trails behind. Among likely voters, DeSantis earns a 46%-38% lead over Biden.

But let’s not get too excited: DeSantis is unlikely to overcome Trump in the Republican primaries, no matter how hard he tries.

So what does this mean for the future of America? Some suggest that we’re entering a new era of conservative politics, where values like patriotism, capitalism, and family values reign supreme.

Others argue that Trump’s surge is merely a reflection of the deep divisions within American society, and that a more moderate approach is needed to heal the wounds of the past.

For Trump supporters, however, this poll is cause for celebration. It shows that their leader is not only innocent of any wrongdoing, but also that he’s the best candidate to lead America into a bright future.

The democrats were warned by many who even hate Trump that this indictment would be a bad idea and now the polls are showing just that. Yes, Americans have a short attention span when it comes to politics, however, Biden will continue to devastate and embarrass our country with other things for the next year.

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