Abortion Activist Stumped by Senator’s Straightforward Question

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In a heated hearing on reproductive rights, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana took a pro-abortion witness to task. When asked a straightforward question about their support for abortion up until birth, the witness evaded and stonewalled. The tense exchange highlights the dishonesty and fearmongering that is commonplace among Democrats promoting unfettered access to abortion. Republicans at the hearing provided a clear and principled opposition to this radical agenda. This hearing exposes the truth about the women’s health protection act, which goes beyond codifying current abortion laws, risking the lives of the unborn. 

During the hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-Louisiana) grilled a pro-abortion witness with a straightforward question about the legality of abortion up until birth. The witness’s refusal to answer directly has drawn attention to the dishonesty of the Democratic party and the fearmongering around reproductive rights. This hearing follows previous Democratic attempts to control the narrative around reproductive rights in the House Judiciary Committee last July. In this report, we’ll dive into the tense exchange between Senator Kennedy and the pro-abortion witness and what it reveals about the extremism of the Democratic agenda.

During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the “Assault on Reproductive Rights in a Post-Dobbs America,” Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana had a tense exchange with a pro-abortion witness Professor Michele Goodwin. The senator asked the witness a simple question, “Do you support it being legal to abort an unborn child up to the moment of birth?” Despite the question’s simplicity, the witness evaded the senator’s question, offering another typical pro-abortion talking point that “it is not a yes or no question.”

Kennedy persisted in his attempt to get a straight answer from the witness, asking if she would vote for or against a bill that allowed for unfettered abortion up until birth. The witness’s response yet again was sidestepping the question, stating that she would support “conditions in pregnancy” that necessitated abortions further into term.

In stark contrast to the Democrats’ pro-abortion agenda, the Republican witnesses at the hearing made it clear that they do not support abortion up until birth. One witness, Dr. Ingrid Skop, stated, “I do not support unfettered abortion.”

The bill in question that Kennedy referred to is known as the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), which Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) promoted during his opening remarks. The White House has also promoted the WHPA as a way to “codify Roe v. Wade.” However, the bill goes beyond merely codifying current abortion laws; it would expand abortion rights to allow for abortion up until birth without any legal limit.

This trend of expanding abortion rights is a concerning one among Democrats. During the hearing, the Democratic witness’s refusal to answer a direct question reflects the party’s push for unfettered access to abortion, even up until birth.

The exchange between Senator Kennedy and the pro-abortion witness during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing exposed the fearmongering, dishonesty, and evasiveness that is commonplace among Democrats. Rather than providing concrete answers to the senator’s question, the witness resorted to misleading and diversionary tactics.

This hearing also underscores the need for clearer and more honest dialogue on the topic of abortion. At its core, the issue is one of fundamental morality and ethics, and it deserves a transparent and open discussion among lawmakers and the larger public.

In contrast to the Democrats, the Republicans at the hearing provided a clear and principled opposition to the radical abortion agenda. Their willingness to take a definitive stand against unfettered access to abortion is an encouraging sign for the pro-life movement.

The tense exchange between Senator John Kennedy and the pro-abortion witness during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing has once again brought the abortion debate to the forefront of national discourse. The Democrats’ push for unfettered access to abortion, even up until the moment of birth, has become increasingly concerning.

The Republican witnesses at the hearing provided a clear contrast to the Democratic agenda by opposing unfettered access to abortion. While the Democrats often resort to fearmongering and dishonesty to promote their extreme abortion agenda, the Republicans have offered clear, principled opposition to expanding abortion rights.

As the debate around abortion rights continues, it is essential for all Americans to engage in an honest and transparent discussion on this important issue. The morality and ethics surrounding abortion demand a nuanced and thoughtful approach from our lawmakers. Only through informed discussion and debate can we hope to arrive at a just and equitable outcome on this crucial matter.

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