Too Little, Too Late? Biden Scrambles to Deploy Troops as Crisis Looms!

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Is the Biden administration’s deployment of 1,500 active duty troops to the southern border a desperate attempt to control an impending crisis? Tens of thousands of migrants are expected to flood into the country once Title 42 is lifted, overwhelming Border Patrol agents and putting America’s security at risk. As drug cartels exploit the chaos, Texas GOP officials warn that Biden’s policies are dismantling the effective security measures put in place by former President Trump. Can Biden’s troops prevent disaster or is this merely a Band-Aid on a gaping wound? Stay tuned for the full story.

The Biden administration faces mounting criticism as they send 1,500 active duty U.S. troops to the southern border, amid concerns that tens of thousands of migrants will surge into the country once Title 42 is lifted. These soldiers will serve in administrative and transport roles to free up law enforcement and Border Patrol, but critics argue that the administration’s handling of the border crisis is enabling drug cartels to expand their influence. With potentially up to 35,000 asylum seekers waiting to cross the U.S. border, the situation could quickly escalate, putting America’s security at risk.

Texas GOP Attorney General Ken Paxton warns that the Biden administration’s approach to border security is dismantling four key policies implemented by former President Donald Trump. These policies include the “Remain in Mexico” policy, the construction of the border wall, the elimination of catch and release, and the use of the Title 42 order. Paxton asserts that Biden’s reversal of these measures is a deliberate attempt to undermine the progress made under the previous administration.

As a result, drug cartels are expanding their influence in border regions, taking advantage of the chaos created by the influx of migrants. The recent tragic deaths of five family members in Cleveland, Texas, allegedly at the hands of a suspect who had been deported four times, highlights the growing danger posed by criminal elements crossing the border.

Last month, 3,000 immigrants began trekking through Mexico as a large group, pushing toward the U.S. southern border in anticipation of the COVID-related ban ending. The Trump-era Title 42 order allowed migrants to be quickly turned away at the border and sent back to Mexico, citing the pandemic as justification. With the lifting of this order, a massive wave of migrants is expected to flood the border, straining already overwhelmed Border Patrol agents.

Republicans and some Democratic lawmakers in border states have been critical of Biden’s handling of the situation at the border. In just one week, U.S. Border Patrol agents made more than 50,000 arrests along the southern, northern, and coastal borders, recovering over 1,400 pounds of drugs.

In an effort to combat drug trafficking at the border, Biden signed an executive order last week, deploying active duty Coast Guard units. However, under the National Emergencies Act, an executive order was signed on April 27, authorizing the deployment of U.S. reservist troops to the southern border with Mexico to combat “international drug trafficking.” This move raises concerns about the administration’s ability to handle the impending border crisis effectively.

Meanwhile, El Paso, Texas, Mayor Oscar Leeser declared a state of emergency ahead of the expected surge in migrants. Leeser warned that migrants will not be able to enter the U.S. without proper documentation, but the sheer number of people approaching the border threatens to overwhelm existing resources and personnel.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) warns that Mexican cartels are gearing up to inundate the United States’ southern border with a staggering 700,000 to one million illegal immigrants once Title 42 is lifted. This orchestrated effort aims to overwhelm U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and has the potential to trigger an unprecedented crisis at the border.

The Biden administration’s decision to deploy 1,500 active duty U.S. troops to the southern border is a desperate move, attempting to control the impending chaos caused by tens of thousands of migrants surging into the country. As drug cartels exploit the situation, and America’s security is put at risk, critics argue that Biden’s policies are dismantling the effective measures put in place by former President Trump. Will the deployment of troops be enough to prevent a full-blown crisis, or is this just the beginning of a long and difficult struggle to regain control of America’s borders? Only time will tell.

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