BOMBSHELL: AOC and Gaetz unite to DESTROY Congress insiders’ stock deals

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In a shocking revelation, lawmakers have been caught trading stocks with insider knowledge, leading to accusations of using their positions to gain an unfair advantage on Wall Street. In response, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Matt Gaetz have come together in an unlikely bipartisan move to propose the Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act. The proposed legislation aims to ban members of Congress from purchasing individual stocks or derivatives, in an effort to restore trust in government and prevent lawmakers from profiting from insider knowledge.

The proposed Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act aims to ban lawmakers and their families from buying individual stocks or derivatives while in office. Several prominent lawmakers have been accused of using their inside knowledge about upcoming regulations or economic changes to purchase stocks at the most opportune times.

The proposed Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act has been brought to light amidst accusations of Congress members using their inside knowledge about upcoming regulations or economic changes to purchase stocks at opportune times. According to recent reports, as many as 97 lawmakers or their immediate family members have bought or sold assets related to their legislative committee work between 2019 and 2021.

Including Nancy Pelosi who was questioned about whether or not congressmen or women should be allowed to trade stocks. Check out her reaction

The shocking revelation has led to concerns that Congress members are using their positions to gain an unfair advantage on Wall Street, raising questions about the ethics and transparency of government. In response, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Matt Gaetz, two lawmakers known for their opposing views, have come together in a surprising bipartisan move to propose the Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act.

Despite their differences, Ocasio-Cortez and Gaetz share the belief that lawmakers should not be trading stocks when they have access to classified information. They agree that the proposed legislation would send a powerful message to America and help restore trust in government.

The proposed legislation would prohibit lawmakers and their families from purchasing individual stocks or derivatives while in office, but would allow them to hold assets in a qualified blind trust or the federal pension system, as well as widely held investment funds and government securities.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have voiced their support for the Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act, stating that trust in government must be restored and that lawmakers should not be using their positions for personal financial gain. The proposed legislation has the potential to be a significant step towards accountability and transparency in government. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

The Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act could restore trust in Congress by preventing lawmakers from trading individual stocks and derivatives while in office, ultimately banning the use of their positions for personal gain. Lawmakers from both sides of the political spectrum, including Reps. Matt Gaetz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have supported this legislation. The issue of insider trading in Congress has persisted for years, but this bill represents a critical step towards government transparency and accountability. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story and keep up with Next News for breaking news.

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