White House Forced to Admit: Press Secretary Made Major Error in Latest Claims

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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has made a claim that has left many in disbelief and has sparked fury across the political spectrum. During a recent press briefing, Jean-Pierre stated that the Republican plan to raise the debt ceiling would cut 81,000 jobs from the VA, reduce outpatient visits by 30 million, and increase the disability claims backlog by an estimated 134 billion – a figure that was proven to be wildly inaccurate. 

In a week filled with controversies, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has found herself in hot water once again. This time, it’s over a stunning claim she made during a recent press briefing regarding the Republican plan to raise the debt ceiling.

The latest blunder from the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has sparked outrage and concern among both Republicans and Democrats. Her shocking claim that the Republican plan to raise the debt ceiling would cut 81,000 jobs from the VA, reduce outpatient visits by 30 million, and increase the disability claims backlog by an estimated 134 billion has been widely criticized for being wildly inaccurate.

According to the official White House transcript, Jean-Pierre had meant to say “134 thousand” instead of “134 billion.” This error is not only a significant discrepancy in the amount of money involved, but it also highlights the incompetence of the White House Press Secretary and the administration as a whole.

Moreover, Jean-Pierre’s claim that “the President’s commitment to cutting wasteful spending has never been in doubt” has also come under scrutiny. The Department of Veterans Affairs released a press release on April 21 warning about cuts to benefits, which contradicts Jean-Pierre’s claim.

CBS 8 conducted a fact-check on Jean-Pierre’s claim that Republicans want to cut VA benefits, stating that “the text of the bill as passed by the House does not specifically cut the budget of the Department of Veterans Affairs. But it does mandate broad federal spending cuts and does not exempt the VA from those cuts.” This means that while the bill does not directly cut the VA’s budget, it could indirectly lead to cuts.

The White House released a fact sheet titled “MAGA House Republicans’ Default on America Act Would Have Devastating Impacts Across America,” which claimed that the bill would have a negative impact on the country. However, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) made it clear that he will not bring a bill to the floor of the House, even if President Biden wants it, that cuts the veterans’ benefits.

This latest blunder from the White House Press Secretary has only added fuel to the fire of public distrust and scrutiny of the government’s handling of crucial issues. With so much misinformation being spread, it’s no wonder that people are losing faith in the government’s ability to lead effectively.

It’s imperative that our leaders are held accountable for their actions and the accuracy of the information they present. The public has a right to know the truth, and it’s up to the media to report the facts accurately and objectively. As we navigate through these trying times, it’s more important than ever to demand transparency and accuracy from those in power.

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