Hypocrisy Alert: Biden’s Nominee Funds Border Wall – In Jordan

It is clear that the Biden administration has prioritized the Middle East over the United States, once again choosing to fund border security initiatives overseas while leaving the U.S. border crisis to spiral out of control.
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In yet another betrayal of American citizens, President Biden’s nominee for ambassador to Jordan has fully backed U.S. taxpayer dollars being used to fund border security measures in the Middle Eastern country, while abandoning efforts to build a border wall along the United States-Mexico border. The blatant hypocrisy of this move cannot be ignored. It is clear that the Biden administration has prioritized the Middle East over the United States, once again choosing to fund border security initiatives overseas while leaving the U.S. border crisis to spiral out of control.

Lempert’s statement comes as the Biden administration has abandoned efforts to build a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, leaving the country’s borders vulnerable to illegal immigration and drug smuggling. Lempert’s support for using taxpayer dollars to fund border security measures in Jordan is particularly alarming given the current crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, where hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are expected to cross every month once the Biden administration ends the public health authority known as Title 42.

During her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Yael Lempert, President Biden’s nominee for ambassador to Jordan, expressed her full support for Biden’s funding requests to continue funding border security initiatives in Jordan, including a request for $110 million in taxpayer money.

Take a look at this utter betrayal of American trust:

This move by the Biden administration to prioritize Middle Eastern security measures over American border security is not new. In 2019, American taxpayers were forced to fund millions in border security measures in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. Now, the administration is focusing on providing physical security to keep people from illegally crossing to Jordan, instead of securing the United States’ southern border.

Senator Hagerty continued to squeeze the nominee on border security. Take a look>>>

Despite the massive funding requests for Middle Eastern border security, there is not a penny in the President’s budget to support our own border security here in the United States. This is unacceptable, and Americans deserve better. The Biden administration’s priorities are clearly misplaced, and it is time for our leaders to start putting America first.

Furthermore, Lempert’s statement that she “would have to defer to the Jordanians whether they think” building a border wall “would be useful” is extremely concerning. Why is the nominee for ambassador to Jordan leaving the decision of whether to build a border wall up to the Jordanians, when the United States is currently facing an unprecedented border crisis? This move is a clear indication that the Biden administration is not taking the U.S. border crisis seriously and is more concerned with pleasing foreign governments than protecting American citizens.

It is also worth noting that while the Biden administration has abandoned efforts to build a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, extra mileage for the border wall has not been built since Biden took office. This is a significant departure from the previous administration’s efforts to secure the southern border and prevent illegal immigration.

It is outrageous that the Biden administration is prioritizing Middle Eastern border security over American border security. Yael Lempert’s support for using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund border security measures in Jordan while abandoning efforts to build a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is a clear indication of the administration’s misplaced priorities. Americans deserve better, and it is time for our leaders to start putting America first. Stay tuned for more updates on this story as it develops, and be sure to follow Next News for the latest breaking news.

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