10K Troops Deployed! Texas Forms Special Tactical Force to Combat Illegal Border Crossings

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In a decisive move to stop the crisis at the southern border, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has deployed 10,000 National Guard members and 1,200 Department of Public Safety troopers to protect the state from illegal immigration. President Biden’s open border policies have led to unprecedented levels of illegal crossings, leaving Texas under attack. But with the formation of a new task force known as the “Texas Tactical Border Force,” equipped with riot gear, aircraft, and boats, Texas is taking essential steps to restore order and safeguard the country’s security. The stakes are high, and Texans are fighting back. Stay tuned for the latest updates.

Texas has been hit hard by the crisis at the southern border,and Governor Greg Abbott is taking action. He recently announced the deployment of 10,000 National Guard members and 1,200 Department of Public Safety troopers to protect the state from illegal immigration. This is in response to President Biden’s open border policies that have led to unprecedented levels of illegal crossings.

The situation in Texas is dire, and it’s not just about the number of illegal crossings. There are other issues at play, such as human trafficking and drug smuggling. According to Governor Abbott, “We’re seeing the cartels bring more people across the border, but we’re also seeing them bring more drugs across the border. We’re seeing more fentanyl come across the border, an:20

The influx of illegal immigrants has also caused a strain on thed we’re seeing the cartels make more money as a result of it.”

The deployment of the National Guard and Department of Public Safety troopers has been successful so far, intercepting over 37,000 individuals attempting to enter the state since March 2021. However, with the anticipated end of Title 42, a public health decree that permitted the deportation of migrants during the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of migrants are expected to flood the border. This is why Governor Abbott has formed a new task force known as the “Texas Tactical Border Force.”

The “Texas Tactical Border Force” consists of carefully chosen soldiers of the Texas National Guard equipped with riot gear, aircraft, and boats to bolster current operations at high-risk areas. The task force will be sent to “hot spots” along the 1,254 miles of the state’s border with Mexico. With over 13,000 expected every day, this task force will be tasked with stopping, discouraging, and turning back any migrants trying to enter the state.

The situation at the southern border is not just a Texas problem. It’s a national problem, and it requires urgent action. While President Biden has deployed 1,500 active duty military personnel to the southwest border to help with data entry, warehousing, and monitoring efforts, those service members won’t be allowed to help with migrant processing. This is unacceptable to Governor Abbott, who is taking matters into his own hands.

Texans are tired of waiting for the federal government to act. They are fighting back against the crisis at the southern border with everything they have. The deployment of the National Guard, Department of Public Safety troopers, and the formation of the “Texas Tactical Border Force” is just the beginning. Governor Abbott has made it clear that he will do whatever it takes to protect his state and the nation from the threat of illegal immigration.

But this fight is not just about stopping illegal immigration. It’s about protecting the people of Texas and the nation as a whole from the dangers that come with it. Human trafficking and drug smuggling are just a few of the issues that arise when there is an influx of illegal immigrants. Texans understand this, and they are taking action.

In conclusion, Governor Abbott’s deployment of 10,000 National Guard members and 1,200 Department of Public Safety troopers, along with the formation of the “Texas Tactical Border Force,” is a critical move to protect the southern border from illegal immigration. Texas is under attack, and the stakes are high. The situation at the southern border is a national problem that requires urgent action. Texans are fighting back, and they won’t stop until the crisis is under control. Stay tuned for more breaking news.

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