Lightfoot Going out with a Bang – One Last Attempt to Oust Republicans Fails Miserably

Chicago's status as a sanctuary city has led to this crisis, as the city has failed to enforce immigration laws and prioritize the needs of its own citizens over illegal immigrants.
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As the migrant crisis at the southern border continues to escalate, sanctuary cities are starting to feel the brunt of the situation. Chicago, a long-standing sanctuary city, has been pushed to its breaking point with the influx of illegal immigrants coming from the United States-Mexico border. Despite Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s declaration of a state of emergency, the city remains overwhelmed with no clear solution in sight. The situation grows more dire as Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson even suggests allowing illegal aliens to vote in municipal elections. This begs the question, how long can sanctuary cities continue to ignore the realities of open borders and the consequences that come with it? Let’s dive in.

Chicago, Illinois, has declared a state of emergency due to the overwhelming amount of illegal immigration the city is receiving from the U.S.-Mexico border. Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, claims that the city has hit a “breaking point” and is “full” of illegal aliens.

This situation has been exacerbated by Texas Governor Greg Abbott who has bused over 8,000 illegal immigrants to Chicago since August 2022. Abbott claims that this move will save his state billions in costs associated with illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, El Paso, Texas, with a population less than a quarter of Chicago’s, is expecting to absorb around 10,000 illegal border crossers each day as President Joe Biden ended Title 42, which was one of the last few remaining border controls stayed in place by Biden’s administration.

Chicago’s status as a sanctuary city has led to this crisis, as the city has failed to enforce immigration laws and prioritize the needs of its own citizens over illegal immigrants. The city’s focus on being welcoming to migrants has come at the expense of its residents and taxpayers.

What’s even worse is the mayor-elect of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, who is also a Democrat and set to take office next week, has suggested that illegal aliens should be allowed to vote in municipal elections.

It is important to note that illegal immigration not only puts a strain on resources but also poses a threat to public safety. The influx of illegal aliens can lead to a rise in crime, putting legal residents at risk. Furthermore, the cost of providing medical care, education, and social services for illegal immigrants falls on taxpayers.

Chicago’s situation serves as a cautionary tale for other cities that prioritize illegal immigration over the well-being of their residents. It is time for sanctuary cities to hold themselves accountable and address the negative impact of illegal immigration on their communities. The United States must have secure borders and enforce immigration laws to preserve the safety and prosperity of its citizens. The consequences of open borders are clear, and it is time for sanctuary cities to reevaluate their policies and consider the impact they have on their communities. It is only through enforcing immigration laws and securing our borders that we can prevent further crises from occurring.

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