CNN Reporter VISIBLY SHAKEN after Maga Fan Facts Checks him on Live TV

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 As former President Donald Trump made his long-awaited return to CNN, the network found themselves in the crosshairs of a group of Republican and Independent voters in New Hampshire. While Trump addressed a number of issues, including immigration, the COVID-19 pandemic, and censorship, CNN host Kaitlan Collins was determined to repeatedly ask about the 2020 election. To the surprise of no one, Trump’s supporters were quick to defend him and decry CNN’s biased line of questioning. Despite the contentious nature of the town hall, it was a reminder of the former president’s enduring appeal among conservatives.

A group of patriotic Republican and Independent voters in New Hampshire has taken a stand against the Liberal mainstream media and their endless attacks on the former President. This comes in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s town hall event on CNN, his first appearance on the network in years.

The focus group was asked to explain why President Trump “continues to lie” about the supposed results of the 2020 election. But these brave Americans did not hesitate to speak their truth.

Jonathan Lesley, a proud member of the group who twice voted for Trump, put the biased CNN moderators in their place: “You guys asked him the first question at the town hall about the 2020 election rather than current stuff.”

During the hour-long event being hosted by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Trump was repeatedly questioned about his electoral defeat in the 2020 election against President Joe Biden. Rather than discussing potential plans for a re-election campaign, the moderator sought to push her own agenda by focusing solely on the left-wing narrative of electoral fraud.

President Trump and the liberal network have had an incredibly tumultuous relationship over the years, with Trump utilizing every opportunity to expose the liberal media for what they are. Collins’ line of questioning provided the perfect platform for Trump to present his own narrative regarding lawsuits, investigations, and alleged misconduct by former allies.

The audience, made up entirely of true patriots who believe in President Trump and his mission to put America first, passionately supported Trump’s suggestions about 2020. 

As we look back on this town hall event, we can see yet another example of how the liberal mainstream media seeks to paint a one-sided narrative and squash any dissenting opinions. But the brave Republican and Independent voters in New Hampshire stood up to their biased moderators and spoke their truth. They are the true heroes of this story.

In light of the biased and unfair questioning from CNN moderators during President Trump’s recent town hall event, it’s clear that the liberal media refuses to acknowledge other perspectives and opinions regarding the election in 2020. Despite overwhelming evidence, they continue to ignore the voices of millions of Americans who believe the election was stolen. It’s time for the mainstream media to stop playing politics and start reporting the truth. As conservatives, we stand with President Trump in his fight to uncover the corruption that took place during the 2020 election, and we will never stop fighting for election integrity and the preservation of our democracy.

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