Wake-Up Call for Disney+: Subscribers Fleeing in Droves!

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Disney+ has been experiencing a significant drop in subscribers over the last three months of 2023, particularly in the U.S. and Canada. With a loss of four million customers worldwide, it appears Disney’s relentless push of transgender and drag queen content has backfired on the streaming service. Despite the expectation that the company would reach profitability in 2023, this goal seems further away than ever before. As a result, Disney’s streaming business continues to lose money with no clear indication of recovery within sight.

The streaming service of the iconic Disney brand, Disney+, has been facing a severe setback during the first quarter of 2023, as the streaming service has lost a staggering four million subscribers globally. While the company has cited the termination of its deal with Hotstar in India as the main reason for this drop off, it is safe to say that the continuous push of an identity politics agenda by the studios has turned off most of its loyal customers.

As per the reports, Disney+ has suffered a loss of 300,000 subscribers in the United States and Canada alone in a quarter. The cause behind this loss was the incessant promotion of transgenderism and drag queen content in the entertainment for children. It is evident that promoting such subversive agendas is not something the general public is willing to tolerate anymore.

Despite Wall Street’s prediction of 163.2 million subscriptions, Disney+ could only manage 157.8 million worldwide, reflecting significant underperformance. This is a concerning sign for Disney leaders as they had publicly announced their intention to turn a profit from Disney+ in 2023, but with such numbers, this ambition seems far-fetched now.

Disney+, along with Hulu, is part of Disney’s streaming business, which has suffered a colossal loss of $1 billion in each of the last two quarters. The company has spent an enormous amount of money trying to stand up against the likes of Netflix and emerge as the dominant player, but it seems like their strategy is failing as customers continue to turn away.

Increasingly, Disney has been embracing progressive identity politics, which only repel most of its customers. The company’s recent move of including transgenderism, drag queens, and other aspects of gender non-conformity in their shows has stirred an uproar within the more conservative sections of society.

For example, the recent Marvel series Loki disclosed that the titular character is “gender fluid,” while the new Disney+ animated show, Baymax, featured a transgender “man” who gives menstrual advice. 

This type of propaganda is offensive and entirely inappropriate, especially when targeted towards impressionable young children.

Disney has thrown away its proud heritage of providing wholesome entertainment to all ages. Its desperate attempts to cater to the woke crowd have only led to the erosion of the company’s patronage. 

Disney’s desperate attempt to outshine Netflix has cost the company both subscribers and substantial financial losses. With the introduction of identity politics content, Disney+ has clearly overstepped its boundary, losing once-loyal customers who are increasingly finding the woke politics intolerable. The significant loss of customers indicates that viewers are becoming more aware of the entertainment industry’s relentless pursuit of politically correct content rather than providing quality programming. If Disney wants to regain their lost subscribers, they need to reverse their position on identity politics and focus on their quality programming that attracted audiences in the first place.

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