SHAMEFUL: Biden Puts China’s Interests Above American Workers Once Again

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The Biden administration has once again shown that they prioritize their climate change agenda over holding China accountable for their trade rule violations, as President Biden vetoed a bipartisan measure to reinstate tariffs on solar products from Southeast Asian countries. The move raises concerns about the administration’s commitment to addressing China’s economic coercion, especially as the Chinese Communist Party is able to use these countries as a way to circumvent US trade sanctions. 

President Joe Biden has once again demonstrated his disregard for America’s economic and national security interests, issuing a veto against a crucial bipartisan measure that aimed to reinstate tariffs on solar products from Southeast Asian countries. This move comes despite U.S. officials having found China companies using these nations to get around trade rules, a clear indication of cheating and deceit undermining American businesses. The measure, which was passed by the GOP-led House and the Democrat-controlled Senate, was a step towards holding China accountable for its unfair business practices, including using neighboring countries’ ports to evade tariffs.

Rather than supporting American innovation and the country’s solar industry, Biden’s move has further fueled uncertainty and negatively impacted the nation’s clean energy future. The solar industry is central to the president’s goal of reaching a “carbon-free electricity sector” by 2035. Biden’s veto is contradictory to his alleged commitment to this goal and to addressing climate change.

The issue at hand is a Commerce Department rule that halted penalties against solar cells and modules exported from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam for two years. President Biden authorized this move with a proclamation in June 2022 to “ensure access to a sufficient supply of solar cells and modules to assist in meeting the United States’ electricity generation needs” while the Commerce Department investigates ways in which China is circumventing U.S. tariffs through its neighbors.

However, preliminary findings reported in December found at least four Chinese companies evading U.S. tariffs through Southeast Asian countries, highlighting China’s unfair trade practices. Republicans in the House and Senate led the charge against the rule, arguing that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) needed to be held accountable for breaking U.S. trade laws, which supports Biden’s “America first” policy. These practices have also been linked to human rights abuses since China employs forced labor in its production facilities.

Despite the bipartisan support for the reinstatement of these tariffs, a group of Democrats in the Senate have shown support for President Biden’s veto to derail progress and kill good-paying American jobs, thus damaging the nation’s economy. It is unacceptable that the Biden administration would compromise the nation’s economic and national security and serve China’s interest instead of prioritizing America’s people’s interest.

Biden’s veto shows his lack of commitment to addressing unfair trade practices by China, compromising America’s clean energy future and economic stability. The fact that China is using Southeast Asian nations to evade U.S. tariffs puts American jobs at risk, undermines our economy, and feeds into China’s strategy of economic domination. It is time for President Biden to put America first by reinstating these tariffs and holding China accountable.

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