Biden LAUGHS off Border Crisis – Americans OUTRAGED

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President Biden laughs off border crisis as record number of migrants enter illegally.

The situation at the southern border has spiraled out of control, and President Biden’s lack of action is a disgrace. His policies have only encouraged illegal immigration, and his dismissive attitude towards the crisis has outraged Americans.

Biden’s cavalier response when questioned about the border crisis shows a complete lack of empathy for the plight of Americans living near the southern border. It’s disgusting that he would laugh off the surge of illegal immigrants and claim that the situation is “much better than you all expected.” The record number of apprehensions last week shows otherwise.

Critics have pointed to Biden’s policies as the cause of the chaos. His decision to end Title 42, a public health statute used at the border during the pandemic to help stem the flow of illegal immigration, has only added to the problem. Up to 700,000 people, including many from Central America, were waiting at the border for entry in anticipation of its end.

Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed, and the system is unable to cope with the record number of apprehensions. Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson warned in 2019 that just 1,000 apprehensions a day “overwhelms the system,”

Senator Ted Cruz has called the situation a “full on invasion.” It’s clear that Biden’s open borders plan is putting America at risk and leading to an invasion of illegals.

The Biden administration’s lack of action is causing a humanitarian crisis at the border. Migrants are being housed in cramped conditions, and the Border Patrol is struggling to provide basic necessities. The situation is only going to get worse if Biden doesn’t take action soon.

It’s time for President Biden to step up and take responsibility for the crisis at the southern border. His policies have led to this situation, and he needs to take action to fix it. He needs to provide more resources to the Border Patrol and work with Congress to pass meaningful immigration reform. Americans living near the southern border deserve better than this.

The situation at the southern border is a crisis, and President Biden’s lack of action is a disgrace. His policies have only encouraged illegal immigration, and his dismissive attitude towards the crisis has outraged Americans. It’s time for him to take action and protect the nation. The system is overwhelmed, and the surge of illegal immigrants is an invasion that must be stopped. The nation is on the brink of disaster, and it’s up to President Biden to prevent it.

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