IMPEACHMENT WEEK: MTG Puts another Biden Henchman in the Crosshairs!

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The corruption of the Biden administration and its political cronies is well known. But now, Attorney General Merrick Garland is at the center of a shocking scandal that threatens America’s justice system. In response, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has taken a bold step by introducing articles of impeachment against Garland. With compelling evidence of his abuse of power, Garland is accused of weaponizing and politicizing the justice system to target his political opponents. These articles of impeachment outline the grave charges against Garland, who has proven himself to be unfit for his role as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. 

In a bold move to hold corrupt government officials accountable, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has introduced articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland. With a no-nonsense approach to restoring justice in America, Greene has called out Garland’s egregious misconduct, exposing his unscrupulous actions that have endangered the justice system and betrayed the American people’s trust.

In a tweet posted on Wednesday, Greene wrote, “Merrick Garland has weaponized the DOJ against Joe Biden’s political enemies. He’s targeted parents who are concerned about their children’s education, targeted Christians and pro-life activists & raided the home of a President. He must be impeached.”

Greene’s resolution, entitled “Impeaching Merrick Brian Garland, Attorney General of the United States, for facilitating the weaponization and politicization of the United States justice system against the American people,” outlines Garland’s violations of his constitutional oath and failure to faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress. In particular, Garland is alleged to have politicized the Department of Justice and weaponized the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to intimidate and silence those who dare to question or oppose the current administration.

Moreover, the resolution highlights Garland’s October 2021 memorandum, which directed the FBI to target parents protesting actions by local school boards, demonstrating his contempt for the fundamental constitutional rights of free speech and assembly. Garland’s war on American parents is an affront to the values upon which our country was founded and demands immediate action to hold him accountable.

Greene goes on to explain how Garland’s actions have targeted people of faith and threatened the sanctity of life. The Department of Justice has refused to designate violent pro-abortion groups as domestic terrorist organizations, even as they continue to attack pregnancy resource centers and Catholic churches. This egregious neglect of his duties as attorney general shows Garland’s unwavering loyalty to the radical left agenda, and his readiness to compromise our country’s core values at any cost.

Furthermore, the resolution identifies Garland’s failure to prosecute leftist extremists who harassed and threatened Supreme Court Justices, while simultaneously persecuting Americans for participating in political protests. Garland has become a tool of the Biden administration’s two-tiered justice system, where law and order apply to conservative Americans, but not to those who share his political ideology.

In light of these charges, Greene has called for Garland’s immediate impeachment, trial, and removal from office, as well as disqualification from holding any future office. The articles of impeachment are necessary to begin the legal proceedings that will hold Garland accountable for his extreme misconduct, restore order to our justice system and restore the faith of the American people in our government.

Greene’s articles of impeachment against Garland come just one day after she filed articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray,  Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves. Greene’s actions are essential steps in rooting out corruption and holding corrupt officials accountable for their actions. The American people deserve justice, and we must stand together to restore our country’s core values, and safeguard our future.

It is time for Merrick Garland to be held accountable for his actions and face the consequences of his outright disregard for the rule of law. The American people deserve an attorney general who upholds the Constitution and protects the rights of all citizens, not just those that align with his political agenda. Garland’s actions have endangered the very foundations of our democracy and must be met with swift justice. Anything less would be a gross betrayal of the people he is supposed to serve.

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