Christian Faith Under Attack: Facebook’s Sinister Move Sparks Uproar!

This new move by Facebook cannot be taken lightly, and Christians ought to push back against this blatant discrimination.
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In yet another instance of Big Tech bias against conservative and Christian voices, Facebook has banned Christian content and started adding ‘fake news’ labels to posts about Jesus Christ. Even when Blaze journalist Billy Hallowell attempted to exercise his freedom to express his Christian beliefs, he was given a ‘hate speech’ warning by Facebook and his post was deleted. Facebook’s brazen censorship of Christian voices has become more than a matter of free speech, but an affront to religious liberties. This is yet another example of Big Tech’s power to silence opposing voices and sway the public’s perception of reality.

Facebook has sparked outrage within the Christian community by announcing that any content related to Christianity will no longer be allowed on its platform. This move has been accompanied with the addition of a warning label, labeling all references to Jesus Christ as “fake news”. In separate news, Billy Hallowell, a journalist with the Blaze, tested Facebook’s new rules only to receive a ‘hate speech’ warning from the social media giant.

Hallowell had the intention of exercising his religious freedom by posting a statement reflecting one of Christianity’s core beliefs: “Jesus died so you could live.” Shockingly, Facebook deleted his post and accused him of spreading “hate speech.”

When Hallowell attempted to appeal, Facebook responded that the Christian message violated their ambiguous “community guidelines”.

Hallowell posted the statement on April 2, becoming even more pertinent as the statement was made during Easter when Christians commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This latest move by Facebook raises numerous concerns, particularly for conservatives who are concerned for their freedom of speech and religious beliefs. There seems to be a clear bias against Christians, and the restriction of Christian content is a direct attack on religious freedom.

It’s no surprise that this news has led to an outcry within the Christian community.

With their platform, Facebook is now in control of the religious narrative, and therefore has the power to dictate what content is deemed suitable for public consumption. The suppression of Christian beliefs by the social media giant undermines the very essence of American values, namely the right to exercise one’s religious beliefs freely

This new move by Facebook cannot be taken lightly, and Christians ought to push back against this blatant discrimination. Facebook must be held accountable for its discriminatory actions lest it sets a dangerous precedent for other influential organizations to follow. In a time when the world needed hope and unity, Facebook has yet again shown that it is unable to resist its deep-rooted bias which threatens the very core of American culture. Hence, it is high time that Christians took a stand and demand that Facebook respect their religious freedoms while critical political punditry of other faiths is widely promoted.

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