Clinton Breaks Ranks: Urges Voters to Think Twice About Biden’s Ability to Lead!

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has expressed concerns about President Joe Biden's age and questioned his fitness to serve for a possible second term.
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As the 2024 presidential election gets closer, questions about Joe Biden’s age have become more prominent. Even some Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, are urging voters to consider his advanced years when casting their ballots. Concerns have only increased due to his tendency to lose his train of thought while speaking and recent falls. Despite his allies’ attempts to downplay these issues, they cannot be ignored. Will the American people choose to elect another senior citizen to the Oval Office? Let’s dive in.

Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady and two-time presidential candidate, has recently made headlines by encouraging voters to consider President Joe Biden’s age when they head to the ballot box in 2024. Speaking at an event in Washington, D.C., Clinton stated that “his age is an issue, and people have every right to consider it.”

Indeed, such a comment could not come at a worse time for Democrats, as Biden, already the oldest person to be president at 80, announced that he is seeking re-election. If elected, he would be 86 at the end of his second term.

Moreover, Biden’s tendency to lose his train of thought while speaking and moments caught on camera where he has tripped or fallen over have spurred concerns about his fitness to serve. The Financial Times editor Edward Luce, who was interviewing 75-year-old Clinton, brought up one “heart-stopping” example when Biden stumbled down a set of stairs at the G7 Summit in Japan.

Here’s that moment when Biden tripped down stairs while in Japan over the weekend.

The concerns over Joe Biden’s age and fitness to serve are not unwarranted. His frequent lapses in memory and stumbles are alarming, and the fact that he will be 86 at the end of a potential second term is simply too old. It is clear that Biden’s cognitive decline will only continue, and the thought of him leading our country for another four years is a scary one. We need a president who is sharp, focused, and in control, and at his current age, Joe Biden is not that person. It would be wise for the Democratic Party to face reality and choose a candidate who is up to the task if they want a shot at winning in the next presidential election.

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