Conservative House Republicans Promise to Derail Biden-McCarthy Deal: Will They Succeed? Find Out Now!

Conservative House Republicans Promise to Derail Biden-McCarthy Deal: Will They Succeed? Find Out Now!
Conservative House Republicans Promise to Derail Biden-McCarthy Deal: Will They Succeed? Find Out Now!
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**Conservative House Republicans express outrage over debt ceiling compromise**

The recent compromise between Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden on raising the debt ceiling has been met with fierce opposition from conservative House Republicans. They argue that the deal surrenders key fiscal policies and allows for excessive spending, ultimately threatening the nation’s financial stability.

The bill includes some limitations on discretionary non-defense spending and offers a few Republican-favored provisions, such as work requirements for certain social programs. However, many conservative Republicans have taken to Twitter to condemn the agreement, arguing that no real spending cuts have been made.

Republican Representatives including Rand Paul, Chip Roy, Ken Buck, Andrew Clyde, and Dan Bishop have all expressed their dissatisfaction with the compromise. They argue that it allows for a $4 trillion debt ceiling increase, offering little in the way of fiscal responsibility.

Even Republican Rep. Dusty Johnson, who supports the deal, admits that not all members of the Freedom Caucus will be satisfied. On the other side of the aisle, progressive Democrats like Rep. Pramila Jayapal are also unhappy with the outcome.

**Conservatives must stand strong against excessive spending and hold their leaders accountable**


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