Shocking Revelation: Lindsey Graham Celebrates Russian Deaths in Private Meeting with Zelensky – See the Video Proof!

Shocking Revelation: Lindsey Graham Celebrates Russian Deaths in Private Meeting with Zelensky – See the Video Proof!
Shocking Revelation: Lindsey Graham Celebrates Russian Deaths in Private Meeting with Zelensky – See the Video Proof!
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**Sen. Lindsey Graham’s controversial support for Ukrainian military aid is the latest example of the elites pushing for war with Russia, regardless of the American people’s desires.**

Senator Lindsey Graham, known for his hawkish stance, met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev last Friday. His visit made it clear that despite what Republicans may say to their base during campaigns, the Uniparty Republicans in the Senate will continue to provide Ukraine with endless support and weapons, ignoring the wishes of the American people. The elites are evidently pushing for a war with Russia.

During a live discussion, Sen. Graham told President Zelensky, “The Russians are dying. It’s the best money ever spent.” It is shocking to hear such a callous statement, especially considering the outrage it would incite if Russia made similar comments about Americans. Jackson Hinkle, a political commentator, highlighted this double standard and the potential consequences if Russia were to say such a thing about the United States.

The Russians were quick to respond to the video, expressing their disdain for Sen. Graham’s warmongering stance. They compared his actions to previous “investments” that led to World War II and the Holocaust, warning of the outcomes of such ventures. Billions of US dollars are currently being poured into the Kiev regime— a reminder of where previous military misadventures have ended.

Maria Zakharova, Spokeswoman of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on the video with Lindsey Graham, pointing out his “satisfied smirk” as he made such a chilling statement about the loss of human lives.

**Senator Graham’s blatant disregard for diplomacy and his eagerness to support an escalating conflict with Russia should alarm American citizens who are wary of the costs and consequences of another war. The elites, it seems, have already decided the path for the nation — with or without the American people’s consent.**


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