You Won’t Believe What This Twilight Actress Called Target Boycotters After Her Non-Binary Child Suffers From Removed LGBT Products! (SHOCKING VIDEO)

You Won't Believe What This Twilight Actress Called Target Boycotters After Her Non-Binary Child Suffers From Removed LGBT Products! (SHOCKING VIDEO)
You Won't Believe What This Twilight Actress Called Target Boycotters After Her Non-Binary Child Suffers From Removed LGBT Products! (SHOCKING VIDEO)
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**Woke “Twilight” Actress Weeps Over Target’s Removal of LGBTQ Products; Calls Boycotters “Terrorists”**

In a recent social media uproar, “Twilight” actress Rachelle Lefevre tearfully condemned Target for discontinuing some of its LGBTQ products, calling conservatives boycotting the store “terrorists.” The emotional display was met with backlash from several Americans, bringing the issue to the forefront.

In a video posted to Instagram, Lefevre, visibly distressed, shared the impact Target’s decision had on her 7-year-old non-binary child. The actress recounted her child’s excitement at seeing Pride merchandise during a prior visit, only to express disappointment when those items seemingly disappeared. According to Lefevre, her child now wonders if the removal of LGBTQ products reflects a successful attempt to erase their identity. Throughout the video, Lefevre sharply criticizes store boycotters as “terrorists.”

The public response to Lefevre’s post was largely negative, with some commenters accusing the actress of using her child as a social experiment or needing help herself. Others pointed to more extreme actions by far-left activists, such as recent bomb threats against Target stores by radical trans individuals angry at the retailer for removing certain products. In one instance, a Target store in Utah had to be evacuated in response to a threat.

Conservatives may take solace in recent culture war victories. Still, they must remain on guard against further left-wing meltdowns, some of which could escalate beyond emotional outbursts on social media.

**The public’s strong response to actress Rachelle Lefevre’s tearful meltdown over Target removing LGBTQ products demonstrates the ongoing tension between progress and opposition in the fight for LGBTQ rights**


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