Vivek Ramaswamy Claims Biden’s Cognitive Issues Aid the Managerial Elite Exploiting Him as their Puppet (VIDEO)

Vivek Ramaswamy Claims Biden's Cognitive Issues Aid the Managerial Elite Exploiting Him as their Puppet (VIDEO)
Vivek Ramaswamy Claims Biden's Cognitive Issues Aid the Managerial Elite Exploiting Him as their Puppet (VIDEO)
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**Joe Biden: A puppet for the managerial class with cognitive deficits as a feature, says Vivek Ramaswamy**

Republican hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy recently made a compelling argument on FOX News that Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is not a disadvantage, but rather a useful feature for those pulling the strings behind the scenes. In essence, the more powerful forces are easily manipulating Biden as their puppet to further their agenda.

According to a transcript from Real Clear Politics, Ramaswamy explains that Biden’s cognitive issues make him more controllable by those in power, who are placing their bets on a similar outcome to the disappointing results for Republicans in 2022. Ramaswamy, however, sees an opportunity for a major victory in 2024. He emphasizes the need for a pro-American outlook that supports the nation’s founding principles in contrast to the anti-American sentiments displayed by figures like Biden and Kamala Harris. By doing so, he believes a landslide election akin to Reagan’s victory in 1980 is possible.

A recent tweet from Ramaswamy reinforces this idea, stating that Biden’s presidency is simply a front used by the managerial class in order to advance their agenda. In their view, Biden’s cognitive impairments are not a drawback; rather, they allow the administrative state to exert greater control over decision-making processes.

The validity of this argument can be found in Biden’s actions since taking office, particularly with regards to the climate change and immigration crises. The president consistently follows the agenda of radical leftists, demonstrating that he is merely a figurehead for more powerful forces operating behind the scenes.

**In conclusion, Joe Biden’s glaring cognitive problems make him the perfect puppet for those in control to bend at their will, and Vivek Ramaswamy believes that recognizing this is key to ensuring a pro-American victory in future elections.**


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