Target’s Deception: False Promises on LGBT Children’s Merchandise Exposed!

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Has Target chosen a controversial agenda over protecting children’s innocence and their financial health? The shocking revelations of their continued PRIDE push amid public outcry paints a disturbing picture. Stay tuned for the unsettling truth hiding behind Target’s bold facade.

In a disturbing development, Benny Johnson, a renowned podcaster, has brought to light Target’s seemingly deceptive practices. The retail giant made headlines earlier for claiming to remove controversial LGBT-themed merchandise aimed at children. Now, however, Johnson’s footage from a Tampa store tells a different tale.

This video reveals an alarming assortment of gay “pride” clothing and accessories targeted at kids, strategically positioned at the front of the store. The display also includes mannequins dressed in gay-themed attire, with even a child dummy donning overalls boasting a rainbow emblem. “They lied,” Johnson said, emphasizing that nothing has been removed despite Target’s claims.

The merchandise in question was designed by Erik Carnell for Abprallen, a London-based brand. Carnell, a self-proclaimed “gay transgender” known for satanic designs, is the creative mind behind these controversial items.

The relentless marketing of these LGBT-themed products to children, paired with Target’s staunch support for transgenderism and the LGBT lifestyle, has sparked nationwide concern. Parents are questioning the in-your-face indoctrination tactics used by the retailer. It’s evident that the left’s influence is being pushed on multiple fronts: classrooms, online platforms, television, pop culture, and the mainstream media.

However, it appears that Target’s aggressive agenda is leading to financial repercussions. The retailer has faced a significant economic backlash. Over the past ten days, Target has seen a shocking $10 billion loss in market value due to calls for boycotts against the PRIDE collection. This massive financial downturn resulted in the company’s lowest stock price in almost three years, casting a cloud over its future prospects. 

Target’s zeal for an aggressive agenda has led to a significant financial crisis. If left unchecked, this could spell the end for the retail giant. Remember, your choice matters. Don’t let your dollar support the exploitation of our children’s innocence. Stand up, be counted, and let’s demand change.

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