You Won’t Believe How This New Law by DeSantis Has Outraged Leftists, Preventing Kids from Entering Furry Conventions!

You Won't Believe How This New Law by DeSantis Has Outraged Leftists, Preventing Kids from Entering Furry Conventions!
You Won't Believe How This New Law by DeSantis Has Outraged Leftists, Preventing Kids from Entering Furry Conventions!
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declares his state as the place where ‘woke goes to die,’ putting an end to the leftist narrative. By signing the Protection of Children Act, SB 1438, he delivers another blow to leftists in Florida, protecting kids from exposure to adult content in events like the upcoming Megaplex furry convention in Orlando.

Megaplex, an anthropomorphic arts convention, is known for attendees who sexualize cartoon animals and dress up in animal costumes. Due to the new law’s restrictions, the convention now requires attendees to be at least 18 years old. The legislation, introduced by Republican state Sens. Clay Yarborough and Keith Perry, prohibits children from attending adult live performances and from obtaining permits for such events.

Despite claims from publications like Orlando Weekly that sexualization of the furry subculture is a misconception, studies and surveys have shown that a significant percentage of attendees engage in sexual activities and fantasies involving anthropomorphic animals. Rolling Stone writer E.J. Dickson accuses DeSantis of taking the joy out of life by signing the bill, even though she admits that there is a segment that treats furrydom as a kink and that conventions often feature adult content.

Surprisingly, Dickson goes on to tie protecting children from such events to an attack on LGBTQ rights, claiming that the increased pressure on furry organizers to bar children is a result. Although there may be some overlap between the LGBTQ+ community and the furry fandom, the new law protects children from exposure to adult content, not from marginalized communities.

In conclusion, Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken a stand against the deviant display of adult content to minors, protecting their innocence and ensuring Florida remains a haven from the left’s agenda. The new law will likely change events like Megaplex, keeping furry conventions adult-only and out of the reach of impressionable youth.


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