Shocking: Team Trump Boasts About Controversial Bill He Signed While Slamming DeSantis for Resisting It!

Shocking: Team Trump Boasts About Controversial Bill He Signed While Slamming DeSantis for Resisting It!
Shocking: Team Trump Boasts About Controversial Bill He Signed While Slamming DeSantis for Resisting It!
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In a stunning display of audacity, Trump’s campaign recently attacked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for voting against the infamous 2018 “Cromnibus” bill – the very bill that was a colossal failure under Trump’s domestic policy. It’s bewildering that Team Trump would use this vote against DeSantis, as it demonstrates a continued support for disastrous budget bills that have led our nation into budgetary and policy chaos.

The “Cromnibus” bill was instrumental in weakening our border security, skyrocketing our national debt, and bolstering the bureaucracies that have morphed into the weaponized government we face today. Trump’s tenure was rife with budget bills that benefited Democrats more than Republicans, ultimately contributing to the dismal state of affairs we find ourselves in under the current Biden administration.

Furthermore, this bill failed to address vital concerns such as the Secure Fence Act, which permitted any wall materials to be used for construction, and neglected to limit funding to sanctuary cities – even after Trump promised to make those crucial changes. Egregiously, the bill also included a gun control provision and a special $350 million student loan forgiveness for those in lower-paid government jobs, essentially feeding the very “swamp” that Trump has always claimed to oppose.

It’s both perplexing and alarming that Trump’s campaign would attack DeSantis using this very bill, which was crafted by Trump’s unprincipled treasury secretary alongside Ryan and McConnell. This raises serious doubts about Trump’s understanding of the consequences of his budgetary decisions, and casts uncertainty on any prospective second term under his leadership.


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