You Won’t Believe How Abrams Writes Novels AND Saves Democracy at the Same Time! PBS Exclusive!

You Won't Believe How Abrams Writes Novels AND Saves Democracy at the Same Time! PBS Exclusive!
You Won't Believe How Abrams Writes Novels AND Saves Democracy at the Same Time! PBS Exclusive!
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In a recent interview with PBS host Christiane Amanpour, election denier Stacey Abrams discussed her fight to protect democracy, despite spreading fake news with regards to voter suppression and ignoring the consequences of her actions. Abrams promotes a narrative of victimhood as Amanpour fails to challenge her assertions and conduct.

Stacey Abrams, against all evidence, continues to claim that voter suppression is a significant issue, maintaining that she is tirelessly working to protect democracy. Speaking with PBS Amanpour and Company host Christiane Amanpour, Abrams touted her efforts in a star-studded interview that did little to interrogate the veracity of her claims. Amanpour avoided discussing the ethical and legal questions surrounding various voting laws and instead chose to embrace Abrams’ narrative.

Abrams downplayed increased voter participation records in Georgia, claiming that “not winning” gubernatorial races meant that more voter suppression legislation was passed and the needs of citizens ignored. Furthermore, she focused on the state electing two Democrats to the Senate. Amanpour’s failure to fact-check Abrams’ statements raises questions about the integrity of journalism today.

In conclusion, the Amanpour and Abrams interview highlights the unwillingness of certain journalists to hold their subjects accountable and dig deeper for the truth. Protecting democracy requires more than just repeating baseless claims; it demands a commitment to presenting accurate information and challenging dubious statements.


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