Biden Impact: US Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles Destined for Ukraine Intercepted by Mexico’s Cartel Del Golfo – Exclusive VIDEO

Biden Impact: US Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles Destined for Ukraine Intercepted by Mexico's Cartel Del Golfo – Exclusive VIDEO
Biden Impact: US Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles Destined for Ukraine Intercepted by Mexico's Cartel Del Golfo – Exclusive VIDEO
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**Shocking Development: US-Made Javelin Missiles Intended for Ukraine Land in Hands of Mexican Cartels**

The Biden administration’s recklessness in supplying tens of billions of dollars in cash and weapons to Ukraine has led to dire consequences. Recently, footage on Mexican television showed a Cartel Del Golfo (CDG) member in Matamoros, Mexico, brazenly parading around with a US-made javelin anti-tank missile. Reports suggest these missiles cost up to $60,000 each. While Barack Obama was notorious for running guns in Mexico, it now seems that the Uniparty led by Joe Biden has gone a step further, directly supplying deadly weaponry to these criminal organizations.

In April 2022, Newsmax highlighted the issue of unaccounted weapons and cash sent to Ukraine. Despite this, the Biden administration continued to pour over $100 billion in assistance into the chaos that is the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. With no US troops on the ground, monitoring the situation accurately is virtually impossible. CNN sources allude to the fact that once weapons and supplies enter the fog of war, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of their use. Relying solely on Ukraine’s honesty, the US is left to trust that its aid and weapons are being put to good use.

This blind reliance on a conflicted beneficiary to ask continuously for assistance has finally come back to haunt the Biden administration. With Javelin missiles finding their way into Mexican cartel hands, it becomes evident that there is a lack of control and oversight in the distribution of these lethal weapons. The Biden administration’s focus on supplying Ukraine has evidently overshadowed the importance of ensuring that these weapons don’t end up with dangerous and malicious groups.

Now, the US is confronted with a growing crisis as lethal weapons intended for use in a foreign conflict are showing up on its doorstep.

**Mismanagement and Recklessness: The Biden Administration’s Inability to Track Lethal Aid to Ukraine Puts the US at Further Risk**

As the story of US-made Javelin missiles in the hands of Mexican cartels unfolds, it’s essential to recognize the utter failures of the Biden administration. This ongoing debacle is only the latest in a string of foreign policy blunders and a lack of accountability. The Uniparty’s unfettered supply of cash and weapons to a conflict-ridden zone demonstrates a concerning trend of prioritizing image and narrative over the safety and well-being of the American people.


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