MacIntyre Exposes Shocking Secrets: How to Crush the Powerful Woke Capital Movement!

MacIntyre Exposes Shocking Secrets: How to Crush the Powerful Woke Capital Movement!
MacIntyre Exposes Shocking Secrets: How to Crush the Powerful Woke Capital Movement!
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The tide is turning as conservatives are realizing that big business is not their ally. The rapid push for radical gender ideology onto children has shed light on the dangers of the trans movement, while corporations like Bud Light and Target face serious financial losses due to their support of the cause. However, to achieve lasting change, conservatives must maintain focus and pressure on specific companies.

American conservatives have been shaken from their reverie as the progressive agenda unfolds around them, infiltrating even organizations that claimed to be conservative in nature. But as the landscape shifts, companies like Target and Bud Light are feeling the financial consequences of their actions. It is time to put the theory to the test as to whether corporations would choose to go out of business before bending to the demands of red America as they do to blue America.

Corporations aren’t just going woke because it’s popular or profitable; they’re being forced to comply by law, and this is where conservatives must focus their energy if they want to truly effect change. As Andrew Breitbart noted, perhaps mistakenly, culture is downstream from power; and as long as legal compliance outranks consumer outrage, the progressive reign in American institutions will continue unabated.


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