Shocking: MSNBC Lets GLAAD CEO Rehash Debunked Bomb Threat Hoax for Pride Month – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

Shocking: MSNBC Lets GLAAD CEO Rehash Debunked Bomb Threat Hoax for Pride Month – You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
Shocking: MSNBC Lets GLAAD CEO Rehash Debunked Bomb Threat Hoax for Pride Month – You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
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**GLAAD CEO Misrepresents Threats Against Target, Morning Joe Fails to Address Falsehoods**

MSNBC’s Morning Joe program irresponsibly welcomed GLAAD’s Sarah Kate Ellis to share debunked claims about bomb threats while discussing conservatives targeting Target. Despite the facts being misrepresented, none of the MSNBC hosts chose to correct the record during the segment.

During the Pride Month segment, Ellis iterated the false claim that crazed right-wingers and overseas individuals were behind the Target bomb threats. She also incorrectly stated that AK-15s were involved. The notion of widespread anti-LGBTQ sentiments and violence was further encouraged by Politico’s Jonathan Lemire, who brought up discussions he had with LGBTQ community members expressing fear about Pride Month.

Ellis cited 160 threats of violence against LGBTQ events that her organization has recorded without addressing if the overseas hoaxes were included. Quite conveniently, no further questioning on the subject materialized from the hosts. The question arises: are conservative voices being drowned by a cacophony of misinformation?

**Misrepresentations lead to wrong conclusions and unnecessary fear. Morning Joe must do better at issuing a retraction and providing accurate information.**


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