Breaking News: Former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin joins UC-Berkeley Law School as a prominent Far-Left figure

Breaking News: Former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin joins UC-Berkeley Law School as a prominent Far-Left figure
Breaking News: Former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin joins UC-Berkeley Law School as a prominent Far-Left figure
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**Left-Wing DA Chesa Boudin, Rejected by San Francisco, Finds a Home at UC-Berkeley Law**

George Soros-backed Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s former far-left District Attorney, has now been hired by UC-Berkeley Law School following his recall election loss last year, demonstrating the close ties between academia and far-left Democrats.

As the founding executive director of Berkeley Law’s new Criminal Law & Justice Center, Boudin is expected to shape the future of criminal legal system with his radical ideas. His past experiences of visiting his biological parents in prison and working as a public defender and district attorney have made him a controversial figure whose views on crime were considered too extreme even for one of the most liberal cities in America.

UC-Berkeley Law is proud of their hire, viewing Boudin as a pioneer for transformative change in the criminal legal system. The university’s center will serve as a research and advocacy hub, fostering research collaboration, enhancing law students’ training and practice opportunities, and creating connections between the university and the outside world.

However, not everyone is pleased by the appointment. Senator Ted Cruz has slammed the school’s decision as irresponsible, pointing to Boudin’s “disgraced” status after his performance as District Attorney in San Francisco. Cruz considers hiring Boudin a dangerous precedent, teaching students that “ignoring the law is somehow ‘transforming’ the legal system,” and he warns that Boudin’s transformation of San Francisco has left the city more dangerous and barren.

Moreover, Boudin’s upbringing by members of the Weather Underground further adds to suspicions about his intentions and ideologies. As UC-Berkeley Law welcomes the ousted radical Chesa Boudin, policymakers and citizens alike must choose whether to follow these educational institutions’ chosen path or to challenge the status quo in defining justice and law practices.

**UC-Berkeley Law Embraces Far-Left Ideology, Risking America’s Legal Future**


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