Family-Friendly? Not So Fast: Pentagon Dumps Drag Show!

In a bold move reinforcing American family values, the Pentagon has shut down the scheduled drag show at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.
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Hold onto your seats! The Pentagon has just dropped a bombshell by shutting down a drag show at an Air Force Base. Controversy is erupting as traditional values clash with calls for acceptance. Find out why this move has everyone talking, and what it means for the future. Stay tuned for all the juicy details!

In a bold move reinforcing American family values, the Pentagon has shut down the scheduled drag show at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. This show, touted as family-friendly, was planned to feature three drag queens from Las Vegas.

Earlier this year, the topic of such events taking place on military bases was questioned by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) during a Congressional hearing. General Mike Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed his unawareness and opposition towards such events.

A firm commitment to examining the matter was made by the General, reflecting his staunch stance against such activities in military bases.

True to his word, after a thorough examination, the Department of Defense ordered either the cancellation or the relocation of the planned drag show. The directive to shut down the event reportedly came from General Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Sabrina Singh, the Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary, stated that according to the DoD Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), specific criteria must be met for non-federal entities to utilize DoD facilities. She added that the Department of Defense will not host drag events in military bases or facilities. This statement signifies a firm commitment to prevent misuse of federal resources and to uphold traditional family values.

Yet, in a shocking twist, we find a New Hampshire high school using leftover pandemic relief funds, amounting to $4,000, to sponsor a drag show event. This move, quite contrary to the Pentagon’s decision, has sparked outrage among Republicans who question the legitimacy of such use of taxpayer money meant for pandemic relief.

This blatant disregard for proper use of federal funds showcases the audacity of the left, further promoting the sexualization of children. It raises serious questions regarding the acceptance and promotion of such events in educational institutions, which should ideally prioritize the well-being and moral development of students.

In conclusion, the Pentagon’s cancellation of the drag show is a resounding victory for American family values. It reflects our collective commitment to use federal funds appropriately, to shield children from premature exposure to sexualized events, and to prioritize our nation’s security. The New Hampshire high school incident serves as a stark contrast, highlighting the urgent need for a nationwide conversation on this issue. Let’s stand strong, America, for the sake of our children and their future.

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