Breaking News: Fusion GPS Withholds 1,500 Key Documents from Durham’s Trump-Russia Probe – No Legal Action Taken

Breaking News: Fusion GPS Withholds 1,500 Key Documents from Durham's Trump-Russia Probe - No Legal Action Taken
Breaking News: Fusion GPS Withholds 1,500 Key Documents from Durham's Trump-Russia Probe - No Legal Action Taken
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Bold Introduction: John Durham’s final report on the Crossfire Hurricane investigation reveals a scandal of monumental proportions, with the shocking truth that the FBI had no verified intel when it started looking into Trump’s 2016 campaign. Hillary Clinton’s campaign conjured up lies to tie Trump to Russia, and now it has come to light that Fusion GPS withheld crucial evidence from Durham.

Body: The report exposes how the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Trump’s campaign, known as “Crossfire Hurricane,” was opened by Peter Strzok in 2016 without any solid evidence. Instead, it was founded on fabrications created by Hillary Clinton and her paid-for fake Russia dossier. The purpose of these lies was to create a scandal that would tarnish Trump’s image by linking him to Russian interference in the election.

Shockingly, former CIA Director John Brennan briefed then-President Barack Obama and Joe Biden about Clinton’s plan in August 2016. However, their administration took no action to prevent this political sabotage. It has also been revealed that Clinton personally approved the bogus Trump-Russia Alfa Bank accusations’ dissemination to the media, knowing it was all false.

Our publication revealed in 2019 that a Clinton supporter working with Fusion GPS concocted the fake Trump-Russian Alfa Bank story. Unfortunately, despite being central to the scandal, Fusion GPS refused to provide 1,500 documents requested by the Durham Special Counsel investigation. Durham’s lack of legal action to obtain these key documents is also concerning.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry recently tweeted on the matter, revealing Fusion GPS’s claim of attorney-client privilege in withholding the documents. Many legal experts have contested this move, arguing that the evidence should not be protected under this claim.

Trending Politics reported that Special Counsel John Durham sought these documents to complete his investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe. Nevertheless, no legal action was taken to secure these vital pieces of information, raising questions about why Durham chose not to fight for the truth.

Bold Conclusion: The revelations in John Durham’s final report are a stark reminder of the political machinations and lies that were used to undermine Trump’s 2016 campaign. With Fusion GPS withholding critical information and Durham not taking legal action, this raises concerns about the full truth being exposed regarding these shocking events. Until that truth comes to light, it must be remembered that the FBI had no verified intel when launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, and any assertions to the contrary are based on lies and scandalous fabrications.


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