Resourceful Hollywood Elite Discover Method to Evade LA’s Latest Mansion Tax

Resourceful Hollywood Elite Discover Method to Evade LA's Latest Mansion Tax
Resourceful Hollywood Elite Discover Method to Evade LA's Latest Mansion Tax
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Astonishingly, Hollywood’s liberal elite find ways to dodge LA’s new ‘mansion tax,’ revealing the true depth of their ‘compassionate’ nature. While these self-proclaimed humanitarians have a history of espousing left-wing causes, they seemingly draw the line when funding for affordable housing comes directly from their pockets.

Last year, Los Angeles voters approved Measure ULA, which sought to combat the city’s affordability crisis by imposing a 4% tax on property sales above $5 million, and a 5.5% tax on sales above $10 million. The revenue generated was intended for low-income housing and homelessness prevention. But as anticipated, the left-wing Hollywood elite managed to evade the tax.

According to the Los Angeles Times, before the tax’s implementation in April, many wealthy residents hurriedly sold their property holdings to avoid contributing their “fair share.” Despite their liberal ideals, even celebrities placed themselves ahead of these pressing humanitarian issues, opting to secure a quick sale before the tax went into effect.

Real estate agents and attorneys began crafting strategies to avoid the tax long before it was officially passed by voters. Luxury homeowners, including some of Hollywood’s biggest names, desperately tried to offload their properties ahead of the deadline.

The Los Angeles Times appropriately captured the situation with a tweet stating, “Even celebrities known for their humanitarian crusades managed to sell their properties before the start of L.A.’s ‘mansion tax’ that goes toward affordable housing and homelessness prevention.”

In a breathtaking display of hypocrisy, Hollywood’s most outspoken ‘compassionate’ celebs refused to part with a percentage of their wealth to aid those less fortunate. This revelation sparks the question: how can California expect to fund initiatives for the greater good if even the state’s wealthiest and most progressive residents refuse to pay their part?

In conclusion, the self-serving behavior of these Hollywood heavyweights underlines the glaring disconnect between their public stances and private actions. When it comes to mitigating Los Angeles’ housing crisis, it seems actions speak louder than words – and Hollywood’s left-wing elites are more than content to let others foot the bill.


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