Ex-Twitter Co-founder Jack Dorsey Publicly Supports RFK for Presidency – Post Twitter’s Suppression of Kennedy During His Tenure

Ex-Twitter Co-founder Jack Dorsey Publicly Supports RFK for Presidency – Post Twitter's Suppression of Kennedy During His Tenure
Ex-Twitter Co-founder Jack Dorsey Publicly Supports RFK for Presidency – Post Twitter's Suppression of Kennedy During His Tenure
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**Unexpected Turn of Events: Ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Endorses Robert F. Kennedy for President Despite Past Censorship**

In a surprising turn of events, Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter, publicly endorsed Robert F. Kennedy for President in 2024. Dorsey, who once banned Kennedy from Twitter, now appears to stand in his corner as a notable supporter.

Dorsey took to his former platform, Twitter, to announce his endorsement for Kennedy’s candidacy. This unexpected move raises eyebrows, considering Dorsey played an instrumental role in banning Kennedy from the social media site while he was in charge of the company. Kennedy’s tweets were subject to censorship for their alleged involvement in spreading misleading information about COVID-19 vaccines.

In May 2021, NPR published a list provided by the government that included 12 individuals considered responsible for spreading various vaccine hoaxes, among them Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. However, these individuals have since been vindicated as many of their warnings about the vaccines’ ineffectiveness and dangers have proven accurate.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk unveiled that the U.S. Government had collaborated with Twitter, targeting outspoken critics like Kennedy who warned against the potential hazards of the COVID vaccines. Later on, it was discovered through lawsuits filed by Missouri and Louisiana that the government and Twitter intentionally censored Kennedy’s tweets.

Dorsey’s resignation as Twitter CEO in November 2021 came months after it became clear that the company had targeted Kennedy. With his endorsement now public, Dorsey seems to have turned over a new leaf, distancing himself from previous actions taken against the presidential candidate.

Adding to the intrigue, it is rumored that Dorsey may join Robert Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, and David Sacks for a conversation on Twitter Spaces the following Monday at 2 PM, highlighting yet again the dramatic shift in Dorsey’s perspective on the vaccine advocate.

**Dorsey’s Surprising Endorsement Suggests a Change of Heart on Kennedy and COVID Vaccine Debate**

In conclusion, Jack Dorsey’s endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy for President marks a pivotal moment as two previously clashing figures now stand united. The former Twitter CEO’s newfound support for Kennedy, despite their past strained relationship, highlights the increasingly recognized validity of the concerns raised about COVID vaccines.


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