Former White House Doctor Reveals Devastating Reality about Biden’s Constant Gaffes

Biden's latest embarrassing fall while walking across the stage to deliver the Air Force commencement address has only heightened these worries. This event has sparked renewed concerns over his ability to make crucial decisions for the country, leading Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX) to accuse the White House of "malpractice" for allowing Biden to run for re-election.
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Everybody knows that the leader of the free world, President Joe Biden, has become a laughing stock for the entire nation. With his physical and mental health being called into question repeatedly, Americans are wondering if the 80-year-old president can last another four years in the White House. Conservative politicians, led by former White House physician Ronny Jackson, are accusing the White House of practicing malfeasance by allowing Biden to run for re-election.

President Joe Biden’s physical and mental decline has become a crucial concern for the American public, especially as the 2024 presidential election looms large. This frail 80-year-old has proven himself unfit to govern, and yet he thinks he can make it another four years in the White House.

Biden’s latest embarrassing fall while walking across the stage to deliver the Air Force commencement address has only heightened these worries. This event has sparked renewed concerns over his ability to make crucial decisions for the country, leading Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX) to accuse the White House of “malpractice” for allowing Biden to run for re-election.

The internet is awash with gaffes that only underscore the question of Biden’s fitness for office. Jackson says these offer a “package that doesn’t sell around the world.” The president has become a laughing stock, and such a weak image is eroding confidence in the United States as a world leader.

“[The President] can’t inspire confidence, he can’t project power, and he’s too old to do that,” said Jackson, appearing on Fox News. He asserts that Biden’s physical inability has now started to highlight the mental decline that Americans have seen him suffer for so long.

Jackson also called out First Lady Jill Biden and others for neglecting this serious issue when they should have pulled him from the race. It has reached a point where the commander-in-chief needs a walker just to get around events, said the Texas Republican.

Jackson argues that a walker would be a better image, instead of seeing him creep around events and falling flat on his face in front of the world. “It’s embarrassing for him, and it’s embarrassing for our country,” said Jackson.

Jackson is not alone in his concern. He has repeatedly drawn attention to Biden’s health, creating a national security situation for the country. Earlier this year, he wrote a letter to the President asking him to take a cognitive test, the results of which could be a gauge of his mental fitness to govern. Public gaffes, such as the ones Biden has made, threaten to take the country to the brink of disaster.

Despite Jackson’s warnings, the White House continues to ignore the situation. They refuse to accept any responsibility for Biden’s repeated falls and gaffes while making wild excuses for his actions. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that Biden fell over a “sandbag” this week at the Air Force ceremony, which made him take a nasty tumble. She also claimed that Biden’s many “wins” since entering office should be proof that he is mentally fit to be President.

However, the American public deserves more than mere excuses and platitudes. With the looming threat of the 2024 presidential election, we need vigorous leadership that will inspire confidence in the United States as a world leader. Biden is not that leader, and we cannot afford to ignore the problem any longer. It’s time that the President takes seriously the need to assess his mental and physical abilities to govern the country for another four years.

The fact that President Biden’s mental and physical health are in question should be alarming to every American. Rep. Ronny Jackson’s accusations of malpractice are not unfounded, and it’s time for those closest to the President to put his well-being before their political agendas. The White House’s attempts to ignore or excuse Biden’s falls and gaffes only add fuel to the fire of speculation. The leader of our great nation should not need a walker to get around, and it’s time for action to be taken before it’s too late.

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