Revolutionary Legal Battle Against Biden Administration Initiated by Family of 24-Year-Old Deceased Following COVID Vaccination

Revolutionary Legal Battle Against Biden Administration Initiated by Family of 24-Year-Old Deceased Following COVID Vaccination
Revolutionary Legal Battle Against Biden Administration Initiated by Family of 24-Year-Old Deceased Following COVID Vaccination
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The family of 24-year-old George Watts Jr., who died from a rare vaccine-related complication after receiving his Pfizer COVID vaccine, is suing the Biden administration’s Department of Defense. This lawsuit could have serious repercussions and raise questions about the government’s promotion of vaccines as “safe and effective.”

George Watts Jr. was a student at Corning Community College when he chose to get vaccinated to continue attending in-person classes. After experiencing flu-like symptoms following his second vaccine dose, he eventually began coughing up blood, experiencing pain, and became sensitive to sunlight. His death resulted from COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis. Now, his family is accusing the Department of Defense of engaging in a mass deception campaign regarding the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines under Operation Warp Speed.

The lawsuit alleges that the Pentagon pushed out millions of vaccines without proper safety assurances, using Americans as “human subjects” in their largest medical experiment in modern history. It is important to note that the vaccines were used under emergency authorization when Watts Jr. received his, with full FDA approval only granted in February 2022.

The family’s suit claims that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act allows them to sue government entities if they engaged in “willful misconduct.” This case could potentially set a precedent for similar lawsuits in the future.

Ultimately, the pivotal question is why healthy individuals like George Watts Jr. were required to take a vaccine that didn’t necessarily stop an illness that posed little risk to them, and tragically cost this young man his life.


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