EXPOSED: Target Supports Controversial Group Aiming to Transform America’s Military and Redistribute National Landmarks in Fight Against White Supremacy

EXPOSED: Target Supports Controversial Group Aiming to Transform America's Military and Redistribute National Landmarks in Fight Against White Supremacy
EXPOSED: Target Supports Controversial Group Aiming to Transform America's Military and Redistribute National Landmarks in Fight Against White Supremacy
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**Target Caught Funding Anti-Semitic, Anti-Military Marxist Organization**

Target’s ongoing efforts to push a woke agenda reveals its support for a Marxist organization that promotes anti-Semitic, anti-military, and anti-white causes, ultimately seeking the complete destruction of Israel and the disintegration of America’s military strength.

A report from Fox News revealed that Target’s nonprofit foundation, overseen by the company’s senior corporate treasurers, financially supports an organization called NDN Collective. This organization advocates for shutting down and redistributing Mount Rushmore and other public lands, claiming it as a necessary step to “truly dismantle white supremacy.” NDN Collective also demands the demilitarization of America’s military. They argue that the U.S. military exists to establish dominance domestically and internationally through violence.

Despite providing financial backing to this anti-American group, Target still claims to support veterans with corporate announcements and military discounts at their stores. Interestingly, the retail giant expressed gratitude for veterans in 2020, saying, “If you or your loved ones are serving or have served our country, we share our heartfelt thanks—today and always.”

NDN Collective’s radical agenda does not stop with dismantling the foundations of America. They also seek the total destruction of Israel, the world’s only Jewish state, by urging boycotts and sanctions against the country to push it into poverty. The organization also calls for flooding Israel with Palestinian “refugees.”

**Boycott Target to Protect America and Israel**

This new information gives Americans more reason to boycott Target and ensure the company becomes


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