Uncovered Video Shows What Happened Shortly after Biden Wiped Out in front of Air Force Cadets

The American public is growing increasingly concerned about Joe Biden's ability to lead the country, and for good reason.
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Is Joe Biden fit to lead America? More and more Americans are asking this question as he continues to display troubling signs of fragility and incompetence. In a recent video, Biden is seen bumping his head on Marine One and failing to salute a Marine. Combined with his previous tripping incidents, concerns about his physical and mental health are escalating. Americans deserve a president who is physically and mentally capable of leading the nation.

The American public is growing increasingly concerned about Joe Biden’s ability to lead the country, and for good reason. A video that surfaced on Friday clearly shows Biden, the current President of the United States, bumping his head as he departed from the helicopter known as Marine One. Furthermore, Biden failed to return the salute of a Marine at the exit, a standard military courtesy for the Commander-in-Chief.

After exiting the chopper, he rubs the top-back part of his head, seemingly irritated by his blunder.

However, this is not the first incident that has caused doubts about Biden’s physical fitness. During the recent U.S. Air Force Academy graduation, the President tripped and fell on stage, blaming a sandbag placed nearby for his fall.

Additionally, last month while in Japan, Biden nearly took a nasty spill while descending some stairs in Hiroshima. These incidents should raise serious questions about Joe Biden’s ability to perform his duties as President of the United States.

These alarming incidents occur amid rumors about the state of Biden’s mental health and cognitive abilities. He appears to struggle with simple tasks, and some have questioned whether he is capable of making crucial decisions on behalf of the country. As the leader of the free world, it is essential that the President is in good health and mental capacity. Otherwise, they might make catastrophic decisions that could have severe consequences for the country

Biden’s stumble at the Air Force Academy commencement and near-fall in Japan, combined with his recent Marine One incident, paint a picture of a leader whose physical and cognitive abilities may be diminishing. Americans deserve a president who is fully capable of leading the nation, and it is increasingly clear that Joe Biden may not be up to the task. The future of the country is at stake, and we must demand accountability from those who hold its highest office.

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