Barred Children’s Choir Gets Trump Invitation: Exclusive Performance at South Carolina Rally!

Barred Children's Choir Gets Trump Invitation: Exclusive Performance at South Carolina Rally!
Barred Children's Choir Gets Trump Invitation: Exclusive Performance at South Carolina Rally!
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**Former President Donald Trump swoops in to show his support for the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, which was stopped from singing the National Anthem at the Capitol, by inviting them to perform at his upcoming South Carolina rally. The bold move underscores Trump’s commitment to patriotism and sends a clear message that such expressions should be celebrated.**

The Rushingbrook Children’s Choir from South Carolina was recently stopped by Capitol Police from singing the National Anthem inside Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol. The police considered their performance a form of demonstration that could offend someone. Not one to let such behavior pass, former President Donald Trump swiftly expressed his disappointment with the incident and showed his support for the young choir members.

In a video announcement, Trump said, “I heard about what happened at the Capitol, and that’s a shame, really,” adding he wanted to “pay my respects to a very talented group of people, the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir.” Trump extended a heartfelt invitation for the choir to perform at his upcoming rally in South Carolina, with him stating they would be singing in front of “tens of thousands of people” and that they would have a great time together.

This decision by Capitol Police to prevent the choir from performing is an alarming example of the politically charged environment that exists in the United States today. To consider the National Anthem singing by children as a demonstration that could offend someone is a distressing sign of times. This iconic song has long been a symbol of national pride and unity, and silencing it in such a manner sends


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