Biden Firmly Rejects Bill to Overturn Student Loan Relief Initiative

Biden Firmly Rejects Bill to Overturn Student Loan Relief Initiative
Biden Firmly Rejects Bill to Overturn Student Loan Relief Initiative
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**Biden Defiantly Vetoes Bill Overturning Unconstitutional Student Loan Program**

In a display of defiance, Joe Biden vetoed a bill on Wednesday that sought to overturn his unconstitutional student loan forgiveness program. The Senate had already voted to overturn the controversial program with bipartisan support, raising questions about the legitimacy of Biden’s actions. The Supreme Court is currently examining the matter and will issue a ruling soon, putting the future of Biden’s educational policies in limbo.

It was only last Thursday when the Senate voted to overturn Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, a resounding 52-46 vote that included Democrat Senators Joe Manchin (WV), Jon Tester (MT) joining hands with the Republicans. Even Democrat-turned-Independent Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) sided with the Republicans, boosting the bipartisan argument against this unconstitutional policy. Despite the consensus, President Joe Biden refused to concede, instead opting to veto the measure.

This student loan forgiveness program is now under scrutiny by the Supreme Court, which will likely issue a significant ruling later this month that could very well sound the death knell for Joe Biden’s overreaching educational policy. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court had already signaled that it might be preparing to lay the final blow to Biden’s unconstitutional student loan bailout program, creating an uncertain future for the embattled President’s policy.

Joe Biden unapologetically announced a massive student loan forgiveness plan last August, which many see as an attempt to buy the younger generation’s votes ahead of the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. His plan accounted for the cancellation of up to $10,000 in student debt for borrowers earning $125,000 a year or less, and even up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants.

However, the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals moved quickly to extend a block to Biden’s student loan bailout plan in November. The Department of Justice, siding with the President, appealed to the Supreme Court and asked that the block be lifted. Despite their pleas, the Supreme Court left the block in place while they hear oral arguments and deliberate on the contentious issue.

The apparent defiance of Joe Biden in the face of bipartisan agreement and a looming Supreme Court ruling raises questions about the current state of American democracy. With the balance of power structured to keep a single branch or individual from exerting undue influence, the President appears to challenge that balance through his bold actions and insistence on pushing his unconstitutional policy.

**The President’s Defiance Challenges Democratic Values**

By vetoing a bill with bipartisan support that aimed to overturn his unconstitutional student loan


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