The War Against Trump: Fitton Blasts Impending DOJ Indictment In MUST SEE Video

Trump Stands Strong Against Biased Prosecution
Trump Stands Strong Against Biased Prosecution
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Donald Trump, the intrepid force of American leadership, now finds himself embroiled in a politically charged indictment, constructed by a justice system seemingly warped by Democrat partisanship. In this escalating drama, Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, ardently defended Trump in a recent video, branding any prosecution as a “wild abuse of power.” The revelations from Trump’s legal team suggest covert efforts to manipulate witness testimony, hinting at a plot far more sinister. Is this yet another baseless attack on our 45th President, or will the truth finally triumph?

In a series of unsettling events, the Trump camp was informed of an impending federal indictment concerning alleged mishandling of classified documents. Alarmingly, this arrived even as the Justice Department declined to delay charges to examine allegations of witness tampering, a serious potential violation presented by Trump’s legal team. This shocking development raises perturbing questions about the conduct and impartiality of federal prosecutors, igniting suspicions of partisan motives.

On his Truth Social platform, Trump also railed against the DOJ’s failure to charge Hillary Clinton in 2016 over classified emails she kept on her private email server.

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, fervently defended Trump in a recent video, “FITTON: ‘Trump is Innocent and Any Prosecation of Him Would be a Wild Abuse of Power'”. Uploaded on June 7, 2023, the video has gained over 1,200 views and counting.

In this video, Fitton made a persuasive argument based on the Presidential Records Act (PRA), asserting that it confers “virtually complete control” to the president over his records during his tenure. Fitton argued that the president possesses “unconstrained authority” to discard documents and isn’t required to disclose their disposition, even if they’re marked as personal.

Fitton referenced a court ruling, arguing that under the PRA, the archivists do not have any mandatory or discretionary authority to classify records, a prerogative held exclusively by the president. In this context, Fitton challenged the “leftist fact-checkers”, accusing them of attempting to suppress information and opinions they disagree with, while asserting that his claims are rooted in Judicial Watch’s extensive experience litigating Presidential Records Act and Federal records issues.

Such revelations from Fitton offer a deeper understanding of the unfolding narrative. They paint a disturbing picture of a system perhaps all too eager to vilify Trump, the accusations of misconduct from the prosecutor, and the refusal of the DOJ to delay the indictment to investigate these claims. It underscores the pressing need for a transparent, unbiased investigation into these allegations.

No prior or sitting American president has ever been indicted in federal court. Such an event would undoubtedly spark a fierce legal contest likely to reach the Supreme Court, looming over the 2024 elections, where Trump remains a strong contender.

Fitton closed his argument expressing disappointment at the perceived inaction of the courts and the archives. He suggested that the archives could make an attempt to retrieve the records, perhaps through a simple phone call or a letter, instead of resorting to a raid. Fitton’s steadfast assertion was clear: Trump possesses the right to manage his records as he deems appropriate, and any attempts to prosecute him would represent an extreme overreach of power.

In the wake of these grave accusations, Trump’s resolve remains unyielding. Fitton’s staunch defense brings to light a chilling narrative of bias, potential corruption, and an intense pursuit to tarnish the reputation of our 45th President. This isn’t just about Donald Trump—it’s a battle for justice, truth, and the sanctity of our democracy. As this captivating drama unfolds, the nation waits in anticipation. Will the corrupt be unmasked, or will Trump once again be the victim of a relentless witch hunt? As Fitton firmly stated, any prosecution of Trump would be a wild abuse of power. Will justice prevail? The nation holds its breath.

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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