Biden vs Kennedy Showdown Calls for Urgent Transparency, Sends Tremors Through Democratic Party!

Biden vs Kennedy Showdown Calls for Urgent Transparency, Sends Tremors Through Democratic Party!
Biden vs Kennedy Showdown Calls for Urgent Transparency, Sends Tremors Through Democratic Party!
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Now for the real news: An earth-shattering 77% of Democrats are Jonesin’ for a Biden-RFK Jr. smackdown. Eager beavers hankering for transparency and a battle of wits between ol’ reliable Joe and the new progressive hotshot. Have we got a Democrat identity crisis on our hands? Debates aside, the real nail-biter is who goes down in this gladiatorial political combat. Even Republicans and Independents are itching for some Biden-Kennedy ringside action. Voter hunger for unfiltered, contrasting ideas has transcended party lines. With RFK Jr.’s ever-growing popularity, are the Dems ready for a face-lift? Time’s ticking, DNC, and America’s biting its nails. That’s all I’ve got. Get the rest, tap the link in our bio.

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