Title: Rising Star Ramaswamy’s Battle Against America’s Mental Health Epidemic & Transgender Surge

Title: Rising Star Ramaswamy's Battle Against America's Mental Health Epidemic & Transgender Surge
Title: Rising Star Ramaswamy's Battle Against America's Mental Health Epidemic & Transgender Surge
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Now for the real news, Vivek Ramaswamy, Republican rising star, highlights America’s mental health epidemic, revealing a surge in transgender identity among young people as an example. In the past five years, the number of adults under 30 identifying as trans increased from 0.6% to 5%. Ramaswamy blames the allure of woke ideologies and the lack of strong national identity for contributing to this alarming situation. He urges for a vision of American national identity to replace these agendas. A recent Gallup poll supports his concerns, showing a generational aspect affecting younger generations disproportionately, with 19.7% of Generation Z claiming an LGBT identity. Ramaswamy’s stance ignites a national conversation on mental health and identity, demanding urgent action. That’s all I’ve got. Get the rest, tap the link in our bio.

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