Biden’s Furious Outburst: Reporter Presses on Hunter’s Alleged Chinese Dealings!

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In an unprecedented explosion, President Biden’s temper flared when confronted about his alleged involvement in his son’s “Chinese shakedown” text message. The intriguing text in question suggests a questionable entanglement between Hunter Biden and Chinese business associates. What was Biden’s role? Was the leader of the free world entangled in shadowy financial schemes? The fiery interaction on the South Lawn paints a picture of a President in distress, caught in a web of hard questions and growing public scrutiny. This incident leaves America gasping and wanting more – what is the real story behind the outburst?

As President Biden departed for Chicago on Wednesday, reporters eagerly gathered on the South Lawn. Amongst the questions, one about Hunter Biden’s dealings with Chinese business associate Henry Zhao elicited a reaction from the President that no one expected.

IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapley, brought to light Hunter Biden’s messages to Zhao, a Chinese Communist Party official and director of Harvest Fund Management. In a 2017 WhatsApp message, Hunter demanded explanations regarding unfulfilled commitments and threatened repercussions if the issue wasn’t addressed promptly. Intriguingly, the text mentions Hunter sitting next to his father, which raises questions about then-former Vice President Biden’s involvement.

Harvest Fund Management, co-owned by the Bank of China, previously invested in Hunter’s firm, BHR Partners. According to Shapley, weeks after this text exchange, $5 million was wired from a CEFC-affiliated investment vehicle to Hudson West III, which transferred nearly the entire amount to Hunter Biden’s firm, Owasco.

When asked by a reporter about his involvement in the shakedown message, Biden initially laughed. But as the questioning continued, his demeanor dramatically changed, and he snapped. “NO!”, he retorted, cutting the air with palpable tension.

What lies beneath this outburst? The text message itself raises a plethora of questions about the Biden family’s business dealings with China. With Congress purportedly having evidence of Joe Biden being present during the message’s composition, the allegations gain gravity.

Further insight into the relationship between the Bidens and Chinese businesses emerges from another WhatsApp exchange between Hunter and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong. Hunter stated, “The Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this [partnership].” The chairman referred to is Ye Jianming, a Chinese billionaire linked to a CCP-intelligence agency.

Biden’s burst of anger at a seemingly straightforward question reveals an unsettling possibility: a President on edge, perhaps entangled in controversies involving international dealings. The vague Chinese text messages and the alleged financial transactions only add fuel to the growing intrigue. As the drama unfolds, the American public must grapple with unanswered questions, unsettling possibilities, and a President who, when asked to clarify his role, answers with an outburst rather than an explanation. In the shadow of the South Lawn, we are left to ponder: What is the real extent of the Biden family’s dealings in China?

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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