Illegal Migrant Caught After Stealing Thousands of Dollars in Ralph Lauren Merchandise from Store in Sanctuary City Chicago

Delgado's case is just another example of how sanctuary cities have failed our communities.
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An illegal alien has been charged with felony theft in the sanctuary city of Chicago, Illinois. Newman Castillo Delgado, a 20-year-old illegal migrant, has allegedly stolen over $3,100 worth of merchandise from Ralph Lauren. This kind of brazen criminal activity is becoming increasingly common in sanctuary cities, where lawlessness and criminality seem to be encouraged.

According to CWB Chicago, Delgado and three other accomplices attempted to steal Ralph Lauren products from a Macy’s store. When security guards arrived on the scene, one of the thieves ran off, leaving Delgado and two others to face the music. Shockingly, Delgado had the audacity to use garbage bags to stuff the stolen merchandise, including two jackets and 15 polo shirts, among other items.

It is disconcerting to note that Delgado was released from police custody after being arrested. This is yet another example of the lax attitude of sanctuary city officials when it comes to enforcing the law. These officials put the interests of criminal aliens before the safety and well-being of law-abiding citizens. How can we allow such people to walk free on our streets and put ourselves and our children at risk?

It is time for the law enforcement to take strict action against such criminals, regardless of their immigration status. Our legal system should not be used as a tool to protect criminals and make our society more dangerous. Delgado’s case is a clear indication of the failure of the city’s leadership, which promotes lawlessness and encourages illegal activity. It is high time for these cities to reconsider their stance and put a stop to this madness.

Furthermore, it is essential to underscore the fact that Delgado is one of the countless undocumented immigrants who have entered our country illegally and are now exploiting the loopholes in our legal system. They are not only putting our communities at risk but also taking away job opportunities from hardworking Americans. Without proper background checks and proper documentation, these illegal migrants can be involved in all kinds of criminal activities, including drug trafficking and human smuggling.

In conclusion, Delgado’s case is just another example of how sanctuary cities have failed our communities. We need to take stringent measures to ensure that criminal aliens like Delgado are held accountable for their actions and kept off our streets. It is time to put public safety ahead of the interests of illegal migrants. Only then can we build a society that is safe and secure for our families and future generations.

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