Kennedy’s Common Sense Approach: A Breath of Fresh Air in Politics?

Kennedy's Common Sense Approach: A Breath of Fresh Air in Politics?
Kennedy's Common Sense Approach: A Breath of Fresh Air in Politics?
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Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a surprising beacon of civility amidst the usual cutthroat politics, has decided to put issues before insults. During a News Nation town hall, RFK Jr. dismissed any opportunity to engage in personal attacks on Trump. Instead, he preached a message of unity and common sense. His refreshing approach was appreciated by Trump, who praised Kennedy as a “common-sense guy” and “a very smart guy.” And Kennedy’s respect didn’t stop with Trump – he also praised President Biden, emphasizing disagreement over policy but not personal disdain. But the Democratic National Committee seems wary, refusing to schedule a debate between Biden and Kennedy. Is there a fear that Kennedy’s focus on unity, not division, could upset their narrative?

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