Ending Birthright Citizenship: Securing Our Borders, Protecting Our Nation

Ending Birthright Citizenship: Securing Our Borders, Protecting Our Nation
Ending Birthright Citizenship: Securing Our Borders, Protecting Our Nation
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Republicans are taking a stand on birthright citizenship, addressing a long-standing issue that has plagued the nation. In a move that has shocked the liberal establishment, Republicans openly support ending birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants. This loophole in citizenship laws has allowed exploitation for too long. It’s not just a matter of fairness; it’s about national security. Granting automatic citizenship incentivizes illegal immigration and shields criminals from deportation. Recent polls show that Americans, across party lines, favor ending birthright citizenship. Sealing this loophole isn’t inhumane or discriminatory; it’s about upholding the integrity of our laws. The Republican party proudly advocates for change, urging all Americans to join this fight. Take control of our borders and enforce our citizenship laws.

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