Massive Call to Action! @NextNewsNetwork Needs Your Tweets Now! Lets Make the Twitter 2.0 Revolution Real!

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Distinguished followers, we are under attack! Our voice, our lifeline, the @NextNewsNetwork Twitter account, is currently gripped by the merciless stranglehold of Twitter 1.0’s draconian deboosting restrictions. This is a flagrant assault on our sacred right to freedom of speech. But we’re not defeated. Far from it! This is our call to arms! Will you join us?

Today, we need you, our army of loyal supporters, to rally and show Twitter the might of united voices. We need you to rise and retweet our urgent message:

Let’s flood Twitter with our collective demand. This is our fight, our voice, and together, we can triumph. Stand with us, help us bring the attention we need to this issue, and together, let’s turn the tide on censorship. This is a call to action! Are you ready to help us reclaim our freedom?

Twitter was born as a beacon of communication, an open square for all voices. A place where everyone had the opportunity to share thoughts, feelings, and messages with the world. But, it seems, some voices are more welcome than others.

Since the inception of our account, @NextNewsNetwork, we have endeavored to share news, insights, and thought-provoking discussions that challenge the status quo. However, we have become victims of Twitter 1.0’s restrictive policies.

Under these old, draconian regulations, our Twitter account has been deboosted—unfairly silenced, our messages stifled. This act of deliberate, systematic muzzling has grave implications for us all. It is not only an affront to us as an organization but an assault on the very principle of freedom of speech.

We cannot allow this to continue. Not for the sake of @NextNewsNetwork alone, but for the principle it represents. Today it’s us; tomorrow it could be you.

What we need now, more than ever, is the power of numbers. We need to stand united against this unjust censorship. We are reaching out to you, our esteemed 2.2 million followers on YouTube, and our valued website readers.

We need you to take a stand, to help us bring attention to this egregious offense. It’s time to lift the veil and expose Twitter 1.0’s unfair treatment of our account.

We implore you to join us in retweeting the above message. Our goal is to flood Twitter with our demand to be heard, to be seen, to be counted.

This is not just a fight for @NextNewsNetwork—it’s a fight for the future of free speech on social media. We cannot, and will not, let these big-tech behemoths dictate the narrative and control the conversation.

We have faith in the promise of Twitter 2.0, the new team, and its commitment to a more democratic, more open social media landscape. This is why we are appealing directly to them. We believe in their ability to right this wrong and give us back our voice.

Your tweets matter, your voice matters, and your support in this fight could make the difference. Now is the time to band together, to rally our forces, and to send a clear, decisive message to the powers that be. We will not be silenced. We will not be stifled. We will not stand by while our rights are trampled on.

So, we ask you to join us, to lend us your voices, to add your tweets to our cause. Let’s make this message so loud, so clear, so undeniable, that Twitter has no choice but to listen. Together, we can break through the barriers of censorship. Together, we can reclaim our right to speak freely. Together, we can make a difference.

In the face of tyranny, we choose to fight. Join us, esteemed followers, in this battle for our right to speak freely. The power of your voice, amplified across millions, can cut through the noise, break through the censorship, and bring about change. Remember, when we stand together, we are unstoppable.

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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