Jonathan Turley: Dem ‘Tripped The Wire’ On Joe Biden during IRS Whistleblower Hearing

House Democrat's Misstep Could Risk Biden's Disavowal of Son's Business Deals
House Democrat's Misstep Could Risk Biden's Disavowal of Son's Business Deals
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During a recent hearing, a House Democrat inadvertently exposed President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings, according to legal expert Jonathan Turley. In an exchange with one of the witnesses, Internal Revenue Service whistleblower Gary Shapley, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) tried to discredit claims that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business. However, Shapley’s response showed that Biden was indeed involved in discussing one of Hunter’s deals. Turley called this moment a turning point in the hearing that could potentially result in the appointment of a special counsel.

Shapley’s prior testimony included a quote from Hunter Biden business associate Rob Walker, which read: “I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys” after a meeting with executives at Chinese energy firm CEFC. Goldman tried to use this quote to paint Joe Biden as uninvolved in Hunter’s business, but Shapley’s response contradicted that narrative. Goldman threw his hands up in frustration, admitting that Hunter was indeed involving his father in his business dealings.

This news should come as a shock to Americans who believed that Joe Biden was not involved in Hunter’s questionable business deals. Despite the president’s previous denials, Shapley’s testimony proves that Joe was aware of at least one of his son’s deals. Goldman’s questioning provided the perfect opportunity for Shapley to reveal this crucial information. It’s unclear whether Biden will face any legal repercussions for his involvement in Hunter’s business.

This latest revelation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Biden family’s shady business dealings. Hunter’s ties to foreign governments have long been a topic of concern among conservatives. Many believe that these connections could put America’s national security at risk. Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business could be further proof of corruption within the family.

If Goldman had continued his line of questioning, the hearing would have surely resulted in the appointment of a special counsel. As it stands now, this moment has provided yet another reason to investigate the Biden family’s business dealings. Americans deserve answers, and the Bidens must be held accountable for any wrongdoing. This latest revelation is a stain on Biden’s presidency and proves that he cannot be trusted to lead our country. It’s time for Republicans in Congress to demand action and hold the Bidens accountable for their actions.

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