Biden’s Flagging Approval Ratings: A Wake-Up Call for Democrats in Anticipation of the 2024 Elections

Biden's Rating Plunge: Harbinger of Shake-Up in 2024 Elections?
Biden's Rating Plunge: Harbinger of Shake-Up in 2024 Elections?
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President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted to a record low as the country struggles with inflation, a crumbling economy, and Biden’s failing health, raising serious concerns about his ability to lead the nation. Only 39% of registered voters who responded to a New York Times/Siena Poll approved of Biden’s job performance, while a whopping 54% disapproved – a significant difference that sends shockwaves through the political landscape.

The New York Times/Siena Poll also revealed that only 43% of voters had a favorable view of Biden, with 54% holding an unfavorable opinion of him. It’s hardly surprising when you consider the devastating impact of his misguided policies and nonsensical message. His repeated calls for unity and cooperation have fallen on deaf ears.

Doug Schoen, who worked for former President Bill Clinton, sums up the situation perfectly when he said, “That Times poll had Biden’s approval at 39%, which, you know, I’ve been at this business a long time, that is very low, that’s warning time. That means that his message is just not working.”

The root cause of Biden’s problems is his failing health. He’s become known for his awkward mumbling and multiple falls that have left him looking weak and frail. He’s taken to using a different set of stairs onto the VC-25 used as Air Force One, among other concessions to his age.

During his July 18 meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, Biden struggled to articulate his thoughts and communicate clearly, leading to concerns about his cognitive abilities. This is hardly the kind of leadership that Americans deserve.

Even more alarming is Biden’s dismal track record on the economy, with a pitiful 38.3% approval rating compared to a staggering 57% disapproval rate, according to the RealClearPolitics average. Meanwhile, only 34.2% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of inflation, with a staggering 63% disapproving.

Simply put, Biden’s failure to deliver on his promises, coupled with his rapidly declining health, is a recipe for disaster. It’s a wake-up call for anyone who cares about the future of this great nation. Every day that Biden remains in office is a day that America falls further behind. Something must be done to stop this catastrophic slide and restore America’s greatness.

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